
The development of this report would not have been possible without the Masters in Land and Water Systems program, and for this, huge acknowledgments must be made to Les Lavkulich, Julie Wilson, Hans Schreier, Sandra Brown and many others who are responsible for this making this program happen. Hans deserves extra recognition for his continuous support and multiple hours supervising the development of this report as do Julie, who made the statistical analysis possible, and Les, who needed few words to provide guidance when the project needed to be kept on track. Further recognition needs to made to Brian Carson and Dave Bates, co-supervised of the project and shared knowledge and countless years of experience by providing honest straight forward advice at every critical stage of the project.   Additional thanks need to be made to Beth Brooks, Julie Clark, Shane Walkey, Mike Harms, Dale Sapach, and Dave Crosby for providing data from the Sunshine Coast Regional District that was used in this study. Thanks also need to be made to all of the staff in the Learning Skills Center in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems who provided the technical resources and support for this project. The Grand River Post Secondary Education Office deserves recognition as well for providing part of the funding for this program. Further thanks to Jerry and Debbie Rolls for providing “student” support in the form of accommodation and childcare to ensure that enough time could be focused on the project. Finally, the author would like to thank his dear wife, Lesley-Ann, for her unlimited love and support throughout the entire duration of the program. This study would not have happened without her and for this, the author if forever grateful.