Daily Archives: July 2, 2016

GoodBye Addis

My CFE experience began with sitting at the airport waiting for Leanne, a girl who I had met twice and was planning on spending the next month with. I was nervous, wondering if we would get along and thinking of how we were going to survive this adventure. Looking back, I can now laugh at those thoughts. This past month has been an amazing adventure and I am so glad to have met and had the opportunity to spend it with Leanne. Throughout the trip we have relied on each other for various things and even stated a few times that we would be lost without the other – we compliment one another 🙂
Personally, I believe this experience has made me a much stronger teacher. It has added to my teacher education in a way I never thought possible. The students taught me respect, resilience, compassion, and enthusiasm. I came to Ethiopia with an open mind, but still had some preconceived ideas of what to expect. I was wrong. Ethiopia is a country rich with culture and constantly evolving. The school systems are strictly focused on academia and students acquire social skills through their personal lives.
I am going home a different person than when I left. I cannot thank the people I have met enough. This trip was so successful because of them.
I can’t wait for my next adventure to Ethiopia and keeping in touch with all of the new friends I have made.