Comment on post about the pressure on a sixth grad Chinese students

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I wouldn’t say it is an essay, more a journal. It is what Chinese elementary school students do as homework generally. Also I wouldn’t say it is an expression of the pressure on Chinese students. in some point, yes, it shows how a Chinese student’s thoughts, but at some points, I can also see it might be a journal that a student wrote to pass the homework and did it in purpose o let it funny. Anyways what wrote in the journal, what the students as try to say and his understanding is true – a little problem can cause such big problem. It may sound funny, but I also amazed by how mature the sixth grade student is, the responsibility he feels may be greater than an adult.

In other countries’ people’s mind, there always be a problem with Chinese policy, education is one of the example. When people believed something they think is true, they will starts to pursue to find out more about it. Then there are more problems come out. Then people believed what they find out are evidence of what they believed in. so any misleading information may cause the bad image of certain things in people’s mind. This is also works in business area. When people got a source by chance about certain product or company, they starts to pay attention to those things happens n life and things reported in newsletter or other social media, then make connection with the information they received previously. Most of the case, people find that they believed in is true. This is not only because that what they believed in is really true, but when they believed in that, they can only see the aspects they they are looking for or they want to see. So, generally things became true, and people start to refuse certain things ot love certain things more. Companies tend to use this aspect to influence customer’s thinking, either towards their own company or towards their competitors. But some of them may not try to present certain information, but what people see is different. There always be misleading or misunderstanding of certain things. Pepsi may advertise on how better it is than coco cola. But the Chinese students may not want to express the pressure under Chinese education system. People encoding things in certain ways, which always people have the same path of things or at least the basic stage of thinking. Nut what people decoding are different, based on their personal experience and understating enhanced by their surrounding environment, companies can use it to enhance their goal, but also may cause problem for other companies or our society.

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