Monthly Archives: July 2014

Love Monkey – Love and Text

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I needed this laugh!! This was a difficult week for our group… not really sure if we were all feeling the “Love”

As for love and text though… my text that I love is sailing – I love to read my sails, read the wind on the water, the weather patterns that will affect how I sail, I love reading the weight on the boat and being generally responsive to what I need to do in order to sail well. There is literacy in many different content areas (not just academic ones). Text is everywhere. Reading is everywhere.

Group tensions during literacy unit

Today, Pamela got our group together to talk about some of the issues and tensions that she has noticed this week happening in our group. I know that she is right and it amazes me how intuitive she has been about sensing even slight problems happening in our group and giving us real focus points that we can address in trying to fix them. This third week has been a challenge for our group. I think that some of the tension started around two members of the group not getting along, but it quickly spread throughout the rest of our group. At first I put these tensions to the side and chose not to spend a lot of time thinking about it personally because it did not involve me, but now it is clear that the tension has been grating on the nerves of most if not all of the group members.

Sometimes, what is necessary to get past these tough times working in collaboration with others is to take a step back and air the tensions when the whole group is present. This week we have been loosing our cohesiveness and our open-heartedness towards each other. Everyone has been prioritizing their own work and not valuing the group experience. Sometimes we have not been kind to each other. I want to work hard to fix this.

Kelly et al. / Jukes – Creating 21st Century Learning Environments

#1 We must shift instruction to focus on the higher level thinking skills needed for the 21st Century

#2 We must embrace the new digital reality

#3 We must address the shift in thinking patterns of digital kids

#4 We must broaden evaluation to encompass activities that provide a complete picture of student learning

#5 We must increase the connection between instruction in schools and the world outside

Mindfulness Yoga w/ Dr. Ragoonaden

I love that mindfulness is something that we are concentrating on incorporating into our teaching practice. I have been going to yoga Wednesday mornings with Dr. Ragoonaden and it has been helpful to tune into my own body, emotions, feelings, tensions… I want to take this into my classroom eventually. It really helps me to stay more connected to everything that I am learning during the day and get more out of it. That is something that I want for my students too!

Draper / Siebert –> Rethinking Texts – My examples of French texts

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Draper/Siebert non-traditional definition of “Text”:
– “A text is any representational resource or object that people intentionally imbue with meaning, in the way they either create or attend to the object, to achieve a particular purpose.” (pg.28)

Leyton asked us to bring in 1 text from our disciplines. These are some examples of texts that I could have brought in to class.

– A CD from one of my favourite francophone bands that I listen to in the car all the time (Les Soeurs Boulay)
– A grammar textbook
– A photo album of my language exchange experience to Québec City
– A button from my language immersion program that says “Parlez-moi en français”
– Le bonhomme de Carnaval effigy and sash
– A French-English dictionary
– Yarn/crochet which I made with a francophone friend as a way to have authentic conversation in French with a native speaker
– A Bescherelle verb conjugating reference book

“Anatomy of a Media Hoax” – Dr. Ian Reilly

I want to find and watch the video that Dr. Reilly talked about called the “Yes Men”

Notes from his presentation:

“Hoaxing” – 18th Century –> The Golden age of hoaxing (Jonathan Swift/ William Dafoe/ Arson Wells)

Why do hoaxers actually perpetrate the hoaxes that they do?

Hoax in order to highlight social injustice:

“Proposal for preventing the children of poor people from being a burden on their parents and their country” Title of Jonathan Swift’s Essay

Exposing falsities

“There is no limit to what we are susceptible to believe”

Journalism – 24 sec. news cycle = speculation

– political / corporate corruption
– social inequities
– Weakened 4th estate
– Utopian

Media hoaxes as welcomed deceptions? YES!
– “Truth telling where normally there would be only lies” (The Yes Men)

–> Priorities: SOCIAL JUSTICE ISSUES —> Hoaxing in order to collaborate with media

Collaborative journalists

“Inherent dangers embedded in the everyday media consumption”

“Identity correction” as philosophy as practice

UTOPIAN sheen —> “Thinking of headlines we’d actually like to see” (The Yes Men in the news)


Hoaxes can bring a vision of utopian discourse to the forefront

Media literacy skills –> goal to increase the average citizen’s skepticism


“Arnie – The Local Legend” – Advice for Adolescent Boys on How to Treat Women Respectfully

“Arnie – A local legend”

Ironically, during the sexting unit, a local guy named Arnie passed away and I learned about it through Facebook, of course. Arnie was known for treating women respectfully. He was a regular at a local western dance club in town called the OK Corral. The girls there loved him.

My group worked on setting up a seminar/discussion/workshop for adolescent girls, but had our group done the boys instead I think that this video could have been helpful because I think that with boys it’s about showing them what healthy relationships with women look like. Showing them how to respect women and not treat them like sexualized objects. Arnie talks about dancing with women. He talks about being in a committed relationship and making sacrifices in order to make it work. I feel like he has a lot to teach adolescent boys today.

Sext-Up Kids Doc

Co-authorship –> social process –> SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES

K.A.G.O.Y (Kids are getting older younger)

Kids sexualization

“2 choices – Participate in hypersexualized culture or choose invisibility”

Exposure to sexual behaviour online through porn is on the rise.
-Influences the way that they view normal sexual behaviour.

Boys 2500 texts/day
Girls 4000 texts/day –> more social?

“computer related communication accelerates intimacy”

My poem about co-authorship and identity development – Inquiry 2 (Sexting)

My group really got my creative juices flowing when I was in the process of considering what and how to write about sexting. I really connected with the concept of co-authorship that I read about in Nakkula and Toshalis’ Understanding Youth. I really feel that this week I was experiencing co-authorship, in the best sense, with all of my group members. I went home really FEELING what I wanted to say to an adolescent about this concept and I spilled these meaningful words onto a page…

To An Adolescent:

You are writing your own story,
but how can I help?

As you experiment and discover,
you learn from the past,
to build a new part of yourself.

I don’t want to edit it
and no one should,
but sometimes I worry
that you are looking to find
an identity not your own
to show you’re just like the rest
so you can blend into a world
that is often judgmental and cruel.

You follow the fashions,
the gossip, the trends,
but you are unique
and that’s why I say,
find your own way to say:
“This is me!”

This is an important time in your life
when you are scripting your text
with cues taken from the plots
of other authors in your life:
your family, your teachers,
your peers and your loves.

Your page is not blank;
your story has already begun.
The characters, the setting, the twists,
the ups and the downs.
For good or not,
the risks that you take
are the core of your plot.

No story is perfect and that’s part of life.
What would stories be
if all the characters acted alike?
Have you ever thought
what your story would read like?
Would there be conflict or intrigue?
Mystery or despair?
I would love to know!

Someday, someone, somewhere
will be reading your story.
They already are!
So, what do you want to portray?

There are no drafts in life.
I can’t tell you what to write.
It’s all up to you!
I just know that you have something really special to say.

By Kathryn Albright