1.1 About Me! Writing, Pickles, and Netflix

Hey everyone!

My name is Neia, I’m a 4th year arts student majoring in English Literature and minoring in Sociology. I’m from Richmond, BC and have lived in this city my whole life. Fun fact: I lived on campus for my first year and didn’t really enjoy myself as much as I could’ve because the person in the room next to mine would always blast loud house music at absurd hours (no hate to house music, I just enjoy sleeping is all). Sorry, as that sentence has perfectly shown, I’m pretty new to the whole blogging thing/ blogverse, so random comments may get interspersed throughout this introductory piece. Bear with me!

I spend a lot of my time in the Steveston area, partly because that’s where a lot of my friends live, and partly because I just absolutely love it there. Not sure if any of you are from that area, but I am obsessed with Timothy’s (ice-cream place). Espresso flake ice cream in a waffle cone… It’s all I eat. Not kidding. Oh, and since we’re on the topic of food, it’s worth noting that I am a big fan of pickles too.

While it may be a given since I am a lit major, I am really interested in writing and hope to get into a journalism program in the future. Aside from writing I enjoy reading, traveling (I love visiting New York in particular), binge-watching Netflix series (I am not kidding when I say that I am avid binge-watcher, currently taking suggestions**), and spending time with my family. I’m pretty big on spending time with my family; I have 3 brothers and I’m really close to all of them, along with my mom as well.

I’m excited for this course because I am interested in broadening my knowledge of Canadian authors and Canadian literature in general. I think it would be immensely beneficial to learn more about our country through the perspectives of fellow Canadians as well. I haven’t really done this whole online course thing, so I’m really excited to interact with all of you on here!

Okay, I guess that’s about it! Can’t wait to start learning with you guys!

– Neia


Balao, Neia. “7 More Reasons Why Rey is the REAL Miss Universe” Buzzfeed. Buzz Feed, 11 Jan. 2016. Web. 12 Jan. 2016.

Bate, Elizabeth. “Which Show On Netflix Should You Binge-Watch Next?” Buzzfeed. Buzz Feed, 17 Jul. 2015. Web. 12 Jan. 2016.

Gay, Verne. “Best TV shows to stream online via Netflix, Hulu, more” Newsday. Newsday, 26 Dec. 2015. Web. 12 Jan. 2016.

9 thoughts on “1.1 About Me! Writing, Pickles, and Netflix

  1. Hello Neia,

    It’s strangely comforting to know that there’s a fellow Richmondite braving distance ed for the first time in this course too! Much of your introduction resonated with me. For starters, I too find myself inexplicably drawn to Steveston. Perhaps it’s because TIMOTHY’S IS THE BEST (and ice cream in general). Espresso flake is marvelous choice, though I’m also very partial towards their very excellent froyo. This may be literally a little far to fetch, but I came across a lovely little deli down in St. Louis this winter break. I’m not usually a big pickles fan, but if a canned vegetable could ever be life-changing, these would certainly take home first place. Just in case you ever visit Missouri.  I’m also a passionate writer and was rather disappointed to learn that UBC only offers journalism degrees at the post-graduate level. Ah well, we’re nearly there!

    Your opening appeal for peace and quiet in the res brings to mind a book by Susan Cain called Quiet, the power of Introverts in a world that won’t stop talking. Cain has a really interesting chapter discussing low and high reactivity personality types. High reactivity people are usually introverts who take everything in deeply. Hence, they require and appreciate periodic moments of peace and quiet in order to process all the stimulation. Environmental factors like loud background noises that a low-reactive personality might not even be aware of would drive a high-reactive crazy. From your self-professed love for reading, binge-watching, and spending time with family, may I hazard a guess that you’re an introvert? Please forgive if I’ve presumed incorrectly! I highly recommend the book either way!


    • Yes! Great to know I am not the only Richmondite. 🙂 Honestly, Beatrice, for a good 2 months (not even exaggerating), Timothy’s was an addiction… we’re talking mandatory trips basically every week. Luckily, the addiction has died down, but my love for (Timothy’s) Espresso Flake ice cream will never waiver! Oh interesting! I have never actually been down to St. Louis, how is it there? But yes, I am very glad you have seen the appeal of pickles; I must say, many people I have talked to just don’t understand my obsession with those juicy canned vegetables (*eye roll*).

      I think it’s great that you’re interested in writing as well! Ahh, I know. It’s a bit unfortunate; the closest we can get to anything remotely journalism-esque is creative writing and english literature courses basically! Susan Cain’s Quiet sounds like a pretty interesting read; you have guessed correctly, I am an introvert. Well, I enjoy hanging out with my friends and going out, but in terms of partying? I wouldn’t consider myself a hard partier of any sorts. I will be sure to look into your book recommendation.

      Thanks a ton, Bea! 🙂

      – Neia

  2. Hi Neia!
    I don’t spend a lot of time in the Steveston area, but I love going there whenever I can. I have always wanted to try Steveston Pizza, I heard it has very delicious and unique tasting pizzas. Have you been there before? Like you, I also binge watch Netflix but I had to stop for awhile since school started. The last show I watched was Jessica Jones, I love the Marvel series and can’t wait for the next one to come out.
    Good job on your first post, even though you never blogged before this post was really entertaining and fun to read.

    • Hey Althea!

      Yes! I definitely recommend going into Steveston a ton! Hmm… I probably have been there at some point in my life, but I have not been to Steveston Pizza recently! JESSICA JONES! How did you find it?! I loved it; I also really loved the concept of having a female heroine as well. If you Watched JJ, you must have seen Daredevil too..? If not, I highly recommend you get on it; both Daredevil and Jessica Jones are superheroes based in Hell’s Kitchen, so you know that Marvel is bound to do something with that similarity.

      Thanks for commenting 🙂

      – Neia

  3. Hi Neia,
    You had me at pickles and Netflix, what a great blog. It was really fun to read and really shows your personality. I grew up in Vancouver but I am currently a firefighter in Richmond so I know the city quite well. Whenever I’m working at #2 hall on Steveston Hwy and #2 Road the crew often goes into Steveston for coffee. However, I’m not a coffee drinker so I sneak over to Timothy’s for ice cream and can appreciate your obsession.
    I’m excited about following your blog throughout the course and I look forward to learning with you.
    All the best,

    • Hi Danielle!

      Haha, I am very glad you enjoyed my title! I wasn’t too sure how people were going to react to the quirkiness of it; but I’m glad it was well-received! I think that it is amazing you are a firefighter; such a rewarding and selfless profession. Excellent choice to sneak over to Timothy’s to grab some ice cream! That is definitely (without a doubt) something I would do consistently if I worked close by. 🙂

      Thanks for the comment!

      – Neia

  4. Hi Neia!

    Having spent a good deal of my life living in Richmond I can definitely appreciate just how good Timothy’s is! Steveston itself is a really neat area, it has so much character and such a rich history that a good frozen yogurt is really just the icing on top. As far as making connections with this class goes, I think the narratives of the Japanese community in Steveston and how they are sort of celebrated today but not entirely will certainly resonate with some of the material we cover so I’m looking forward to that.

    As another English Lit student, I also have to agree with you on how this course is looking like a really great opportunity to expand my knowledge of Canadian literature which I can honestly is not up to where it should be. Your blog shows a lot of personality and I’m looking forward to keeping up with it throughout the semester!


    • Hi Simon!

      I definitely agree with the fact that Steveston is a super neat area; I love its quaintness and sort of small town appeal. I was thinking about that myself; the relation between Steveston’s history and the Japanese culture has been of intrigue to me as well. Yup; I’m excited for this course because I don’t really have too much knowledge about Canadian Literature, so the fact that we get to read exciting works is a total plus and I can’t wait to broaden my understanding of this topic.

      Haha thanks! I’m glad my “Writing, Pickles, and Netflix” entry gave off my personality! 🙂 Look forward to keep up with your blog as well!

      – Neia

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