Nelson's Insightful and Interactive Blogs

Skeptical of Ads

October 18th, 2010 · No Comments

This week I want to write about why sometimes I am skeptical of ads, and rightfully so.

Advertisements are here to sell you a product, even if it is a product you do not need, they are here to convince you as hard as they can that you have a need, a want, and that product will satisfy that need and want.

And example of what I mean by this is that at least every year, a star athlete will release a new shoe under his signature brand.

Every year it is the same thing: this shoe will make you HARDER, BETTER, FASTER, STRONGER.

Kobe 08′ Hyper dunks — lightest basketball shoe, yet strongest shoe ever
Kobe 10′ Nike Zoom V — lightest shoe ever made by Nike

Every year I hear the same old thing, even in interviews Kobe say the same thing, oh these shoes are really good, they give me support when I cut and are light, but are strong enough to give me the strength to jump and to land safely.

So this is why I am skeptical of advertisements, because in these ads, the products they sell seem like magic, but when you use them, they’re a totally different experience.

Kobe Zoom V by Nike

Kobe Hyperdunks by Nike


Another example of contradicting advertisement I saw on a classmate’s blog, here is the link:


I can see how McDonalds is trying to capture more consumers by introducing new ‘burgers’ and marketing them. And even offering value menu burgers such as the Junior Chicken for low price. However, to be honest here, the picture they show in the blog, yes, the one about food quality and career opportunity is kind of bull. Especially the first one. The food quality is not great, it is unhealthy, we all know that. And at least in Canada, some burgers are premade and just sits there and cools down. The fries are mixed with old and new, so some are fresh and crunchy, while some are cold and soggy. And we all know the ‘kitchen’ environment in McDonalds is not the cleanest. And it is definitely not the most efficient, the amount of time people wait at McDonalds is outrageous and pathetic. Career opportunities…. I don’t know what opportunities there are really except maybe you work for the company for 3 years and maybe you get to be manager if you do well. Or it is just another stepping stone, to get some first job experience. I personally have never worked at McDonalds before, but from what I hear from friends who have, it sucks. Thank-you and this is my rant.

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