Nelson's Insightful and Interactive Blogs

It’s Gotta Be The Shoes!

October 19th, 2010 · No Comments

I recently saw an old advertisement with my idol Michael Jordan, and the famous New York director Spike Lee. In this commercial, Spike tries to figure out why Michael is such a good player. He ends up saying SHOES around ten times, and I find it funny, because it pokes fun at how much people overexagerate shoes and how it affects a player’s game. In reality, a normal athletic basketball shoe would be sufficient, but advertisements tries to hype it all up and say Jordan uses these shoes and he plays that well, so you should wear them too.

It’ll make you look good, give you confidence and the psychological edge. If your game is garbage but your kicks are nice, hey at least your kicks are NICE! and you look good playing in them even if your game IS garbage :S

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