Nelson's Insightful and Interactive Blogs

Hennessy is B-a-n-a-n-a-s

October 30th, 2010 · No Comments

Hennessy ad. The drink is cool, laid-back and smooooove. Drink it, enjoy yourself. Have a good time.

The ad displays a bunch of African American recording artists drink hennessy and having a wonderful time. This ad denotes that by drinking Hennessey, you too can party like a recording artist or in a greater sense, be able to identify with a recording artist’s life. The background of the ad is entirely in black to convey a sense of sophistication. Also, on the bottom left side of the ad, is the bottle of Hennessy, allowing consumers to identify with the product. Overall, i think i love this ad. Why? Because it makes me want to drink Hennessy and become a recording artist. Just that alone, shows that this ad is just so powerful, so moving, and so influential.

I love Hennessy’s ad and I’d think you definitely want to start downing Hennessy too.
Party at my place! =)

Ye’ is so BOSS

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