Teachers’ Strike Forum Videos

A UBC roundtable on the importance of the BC Teachers’ Strike of October 2005 was held on Nov. 9, 2005. Videos of the presentation are listed below.
Stephen Petrina, Fac. of Ed. UBC
Jinny Sims, Pres. BCTF
Catherine Evans, BCSPE
Paul Orlowski, Van. Teacher
Charles Menzies, Dept. of Anth., UBC
Kevin Milsep, former VSB Trustee
E. Wayne Ross, Fac. of Ed. UBC Teachers

One thought on “Teachers’ Strike Forum Videos

  1. It is a matter of choice isn’t it? As a citizenry, we have chosen to support a corporate jihad over public education.
    Thanks for the videos of the October 2005 Teachers’ strike in support of public education. Please keep them up. They are as relevant now as they were then.

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