News & Updates

UBC Blog Squad

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The Blog Squad is a group of students that have been chosen to write about their experiences at UBC. They write about a wide range of topics, from academics to sports to movies. They allow anyone to easily see what student life at UBC is really like.

UBC Blogs updated to 2.6.5

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2.6.5 contains three small fixes. See the announcement post for full details. WP Super Cache was also updated.

UBC Blogs now protected by Akismet Antispam Software

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UBC Blogs now has Akismet Antispam software enabled. Users will notice a new link in the Comments section of the blog called “Akismet Spam”. Messages that are deemed to be potential spam threats are sent to the “Akismet Spam” area for moderation. Themes will now have a “Spam prevention powered by Akismet” placed in the […]

UBC Blogs updated to 2.6.3

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UBC Blogs has been updated to the latest version of WordPress MU. Changes in 2.6.3: – minor security fix no new features.

MySQL Query Caching Part II

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For those wondering how to do query caching here is a quick run down. 1) Edit the MySQL conf at the following to /etc/my.cnf for a 26M query cache use: query_cache_type = 1 query_cache_size = 26214400 2) Restart MySQL /etc/init.d/mysqld restart 3) Login to MySQL and run the following: mysql> SET GLOBAL query_cache_size = 26214400; […]

MySQL Query caching

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We implemented MySQL query caching yesturday and the results are quite impressive. ab -n 100 -c 40 Requests per second: 325.78 [#/sec] (mean) Time per request: 122.782 [ms] (mean) Time per request: 3.070 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests) We now have PHP APC opcode caching, content caching with WP-Super-Cache, content compression with mod_deflate […]

UBC Blogs Upgraded to 2.6.2

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UBC Blogs has been updated to the latest version of WordPress MU. Changes in 2.6.2: – minor bug fixes no new features. We implemented MySQL query caching some might notice a slight improvement in speed.

WP LaTeX Enabled

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For those wanting to include math symbols in their posts WP LaTeX is now enabled. For more info see the WP LaTeX FAQ. Thanks goes to Alex T. our new part time student helper for tweaking the plugin. $latex e^{\i \pi} + 1 = 0&s=3$

Content compression added

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Added content compression to Apache using mod_deflate AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/javascript no dramtic changes in speed but every bit counts.