Who said late night snacks had to be healthy?

Obviously, it wasn’t me.

Because honestly, there must be at least 400 calories in this thing. My delicious chocolatey chip left over banana bread I just bought like 10 minutes ago. It doesn’t matter. I’m not one of those chicks who are all “Oh em gee, that must be sooooo unhealthy for you” and constantly look at Nutritional Information on the side of boxes. In fact, I practically make fun of anyone who dares to reach for the 0% fat free “yogurt” stuff at the grocery store. I mean 0% milk fat yogurt? What do you think yogurt is supposed to be. Give me that 4% Balkan Style with Honey! That’s what I’m talking about. Or Greek yogurt. Greeeeeeeeeek yoguuuuurrrrttttt again with honey. Mmmmmm. Excuse while I salivate in my thoughts.

You know what, maybe I’m just a hypocrite because I do recall pouring in skim milk into my coffee at Ike’s yesterday. But in my defence I just picked up the first one and it wasn’t until afterwards as some other girl meticulously regarded the labels that I realized they weren’t all the same. Big deal.

Point of this blog was to say that I have a new goal for myself.

Please hear my declaration: I, Ned, am challenging myself to be able to run all the way up the Wreck beach stairs without stopping by the end of the year. If I want to get really ambitious I might even say the end of the term. But that’s like Christmas. And… considering how lightning speed fast this first half of the term has gone by I don’t think that would be very realistic. So Internet, fellow bloggers, blog readers, this is my declaration. I challenge the rest of you to join me or make your own fitness challenge.

I am quite proud of myself though. The first day of classes my goal was to just make it up to Buchanan 3rd floor without panting. You see!? I’m already improving. Yes I would like my little gold star. Because my gold stars are very Rachel Berry-esque gold stars. Maybe not, but if you gave me a gold star I would surely keep it and stick it up on my corkboard.

Anyways, my friend did the math and Wreck Beach is equivalent to living on the 30th floor of residence. 16 steps per floor. 480 steps. 30 floors. So think of that next time you visit.

Say it with me people, we are going to get fit! None of this elevator laziness bogus. Let’s get pumped and do it! Because then you feel so good about yourself you go to Magda’s (the late night convenience store at Totem) and buy yourself a 400 calorie chocolate chip banana bread square that tastes like pure butter delight amazingness. You eat it and then you have to go to Wreck and burn it all off. You see, everything once again comes full circle.

It is pretty funny how this happens though. I remember all my teachers in high school telling me that once I move to the West Coast I was going to become a Hippie. And now look, here I am visiting nudist beach, signing up for a Yoga class and eating a lot of vegetarian dishes, if only because they look way more appealing than whatever is going down at the Asian Station for the most part. I guess this means I succumb to the Vancouverite life style. What did I expect?

Before I sign off, I just want to say that I did it – I dipped my feet in the Strait of Georgia. BASICALLY, the Pacific Ocean. Close enough. Yada yada yada. And it was amazing. I literally dashed down the last 50 steps and ran towards the water. As you can see I’m still wearing shorts, which for any of you reading this from back home is not surprising at all. I have always been, and will continue to be Miss. In De Nile of the weather gradually getting colder. And at least until Thanksgiving hits I will continue putting on my skirts and shorts as long as I can. Got to get that Vitamin D somehow, right?

On that happy thought, I love how this picture make it look like I’m the only person on the beach. Reminds me of these song lyrics from some cheesy grade six choir I used to sing in (in grade six…): There is a place I call my own. Where I can stand by the sea.

I think I just found it…

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