Knock, knock?

Who’s there? I’m here!

Hey all you drunken folk who like scribbling on people’s doors at 4:00 a.m. That’s cool. You do what you like but don’t come knocking on my door please because I just spent 3 hours. Oh dear, seriously Nicole -you just spent 3 hours? decorating. It’s okay. I deserved a break tonight because I stayed up late and had to wake up early to finish writing this paper. (Darn you Arts One!). But right now I’m super pumped because our door is now super bright and full of A.D.H.D. awesomeness.

I kind of feel bad for my roommate, I think she’s a little confused as to what happened. She left to go do homework and came back to a bunch of crazy arrows flow chart neon papered mess of a room. So roomie, I apologize.

I have to ask myself if I had caffeine today. I feel like that women in the first season of Desperate Housewives when she takes her kids A.D.D. medication and makes her go haywired and energy adrenaline boost for a few good hours.

If any of you, at home, in rez, or some other form of student housing have decorated doors (or seen really cool doors) let me know!

You know what’s the best part. Haha. I love this. This is the other side of the door. A pleasant reminder for ourselves on how to avoid fruitflies in the room.

That’s all for now. Ttfn.

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