Halloween and other frightening experiences.

You know what’s a great idea if you want a wedgie and a heart attack?

Agreeing to hop onto the back of your friend’s bike and just hold on for dear life because everybody else is riding on bikes and you don’t have one.

So yesterday we went to see an advanced screening of Due Date at the Norm. I’m so glad I joined the UBC Film Society. They’re playing Inception this weekend and I get in for $2.50!

Anyways, I don’t really understand the purpose of an “advance screening”. Sure, they want to see the audience’s reaction, but only 5 days before it comes out – what’s the use? My friend suggested it’s just so people like me can feel special and tell others (like right now) that I went to an “advance screening”. So that when other people ask me “Hey Nicole, do you want to go see that movie?” I can be all “Oh, I already saw it at an advanced screening”. Word.

But my friends and I were of course running fashionably late so while they all decided to hop on their bikes I had to run. Yeah. Run, [through the] forest, run. (That’s because we decided to take the short cut.) This was fine. I don’t mind running. I like running. I was on the x-country team in high school. So a little jog was no big D.
Until I got to the SUB and my glasses broke. Yup. So I got to watch the movie with glasses that only had one arm. I’m pretty sure I got some weird looks from the security guards with metal detectors at the door…

Then on the way back, as I already mentioned instead of running, because that didn’t work out so well (broken glasses) I got on the back of my friend’s bike. Note to self: a bicycle is not a motorcycle. But if you can picture the cliché girl wrapping her arms around some guy on a motorcyle or moped that’s pretty much what I looked like clutching my friend as we speed down the hill back to rez.

The ride was fun, a little uncomfortable and scary because I thought I was going to hit a brick wall but gave me a good laugh. I’m just filing this one under the stupid stuff that only happens at university and you need to get over with in life. Next on my list is skydiving.

Verdict on the movie? Funny. Not freaking hilarious like The Hangover. You can go see it if you want. So/so. Basically Zach What-the-heck-is-his-last-name-it-starts-with-a-G-and-ends-in-barf is his typical self and Robert Downey Jr. has to put up with him on a cross country trek if he wants to make it in time to see the birth of his first child. You can guess the ending. Still, it was entertaining.

Wasn’t so bad for a Monday night. And for the first time my plans didn’t fall through unlike the rest of the weekend.

Halloween basically consisted of a series of unfortunate events but because I was with my friends I guess I’ll take the fromage-tastic line and say it was still fun and none of it mattered. For instance, trying to go to a party: succeeded at getting tickets AND then sold them. Attempted to go see The Rocky Horror Picture Show at a theatre: made it all the way downtown AND then tickets were sold out. Went trick or treating as Carl from the Disney & Pixar’s UP (the old man in the house attached to balloons) wth Halloween 4 Hunger. This random bus driver even stopped to ask me what I was, plus a cute guy told me I looked cute. He had no idea how old I am. I’m guessing it didn’t help that I was dressed up as an old man too.

But you know what I hate about Halloween? That the next day is November. This month just creeps up on you.

Alright, back to midterm studying and figuring out the best way to get sundried tomato specs out of my laptop. Gossip girl and vampire diaries you stay away from me!