I’ve compiled a list of works that I find will show off my best abilities. They come from the various disciplines I’ve studied for the past 3 years.


Arts Studies in Media Studies


This is a research paper I wrote for Arts Studies class in first year. I compared two pieces of utopian literature, The Circle by Dave Eggers and 1984 by George Orwell, in the context of using media to enforce totalitarianism. I explore the different technologies used for surveillance, which made me realise important for people in this generation have an awareness.

Human Geography


This assignment was done for a human geography class, where we look at more of the theoretical and philosophical geographic formations that construct the world as we know it today. For instance, we’ve been focusing heavily on settler colonialism and neo-liberalism in shaping Central America and Indigenous populations. This particular assignment is looking at imaginative geography, which is how different medium shape the way we look at a certain part of the world. I chose to focus on westernization in the Occupy Central movement in Hong Kong. The assignment taught me to see past our perception of a certain place or ethnic group, because more often than not we are influenced by the colonial gaze.

Environmental History

Fort McMurray tar sands and China coal mining

This assignment was written for an Environmental History class, where we looked into the biggest source of energy in Canada and China. The story of extracting tar sands and coal shocked me because of how unsustainable the industries are. In Fort McMurray, many students are training to work specifically in the oil industry. It surprises me that even though Canadians are very protective of their environment, they seem to be contradictory when it comes to extracting oil from tar sands. On the other hand, the conditions in China didn’t come as much of a shock. Since I’m from Hong Kong, I know that people are treated very poorly depending on their social class. I also know that the environment is the last thing the Chinese government is concerned about. This course and particularly this essay was the main gateway in igniting my interest in the degree program I’m pursuing, Environment and Sustainability.


As I’ve mentioned in my home page, I am interested in doing a masters degree in journalism and pursue a career as a environmental journalist. The journalism class I took last year definitely had a great impact on me. Here are some of the work that I’ve written from that class. Overall, these assignments helped me realize I want to use my skills to help people. That is how I feel empowered and I feel a sense of obligation towards the environment.


This assignment is an FAQ for a fictional website. I believe our instructions was to create a platform where people can express themselves on a certain social issue.

political journalism

This assignment is a code of ethics for political journalism. I believe this field requires a different set of code of ethics than other types of journalism because the stakes are higher. We owe a higher obligation to the public to lay out the truth as it is.

medium blog post

This is an assignment that would be similar to articles you would read on Buzzfeed, Vancity and other types of similar platforms.


This assignment required us to avoid all electronics for 24 hours. This include our smart phones, television, radio and any other forms of digital media. It was very tough and made me realise our attachment and addiction to electronics, and particularly using social media.

IB History 

The following assignments demonstrate some of the knowledge I have about the current state of the world that I learned from this class. The most important thing I took away from these assignments is a sense of curiosity in the unknown and ability to understand different circumstances.

Asian countries development:

Compare and contrast development in two Asian countries



Cold war:


Germany and Nazism:

