Business Ethics: Nokia’s Misleading Ad Video
– in response to Katie Chow’s blog post:
Advertising and Marketing are huge things for every organization. And every organization makes mistakes. Do these mistakes really deserve to be spoken about? How effectively do these advertisements manage to mislead their customers?
As we can see in this video : provided by Katie, we can see that another product has been used to video shoot the advertisement which was meant to be shot by the camera that is being advertised. So how much can customers actually trust and believe the product that is actually being advertised as compared to the one that actually is? This is a hard question as things in this generation can be easily hidden through the use of rapidly increasing and advancing technology. This can question the ethicalness and validity of these advertisements very effectively.
However, customers/consumers are known to accept what they are shown due to the sense of authority and sometimes when these “flaws” are unveiled such as the one that was by Nokia’s, things go ignored and the products are bought anyway due to product and brand loyalty. A concept such as brand loyalty ensures that in a way products sales are always high and therefore it can always change their reputation.