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In response to Seth Godin post.

When I first the read the title of the post “Is the new Kindle Zero the sign of things to come?” by Seth Godin, I instantly assumed it was going to be one of those blogs about hi tech blogs describing all the benefits that technologies may now offer. Little did I expect to see some insight into how the adds work, but first a little summary of the blog. In his post Seth Godin writes about the announcement of Kindle Zero the first free kindle. Beyond that, a reader can even get some money by reading certain books. At this part I was all like “Nope, another internet fable, there’s gotta be something” and this is about time when Seth gives some insight as to the incentive of such “inefficient” pricing for the product. The thing is, as the “free” part captures vast amount of customers Kindle may incorporate huge amount of adds into their devices and e-books. Since the customers didn’t really pay anything in the first place they are likely to put up with various “pop-ups” that they wouldn’t tolerate in the product they paid for. Therefore, Kindle not only gets a huge audience for possible adds, but also has a pretty good chance of keeping the audience reading (money incentive) and thus looking at the adds. We all know too well that while adds may not make an individual go and brainlessly desolate the shelves, they surely do have an impact on the sales of advertised products. Seth Godin’s blog not only reminded me that there are no “good Samaritans” in the business world, but also was quite entertaining and engaging. Overall, I think that he did a great job doing his blog and I hope that he can keep it up.

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