
Reference Services From a Remote Learning Commons

“Essentially every aspect of school library services has changed over the past few decades due to the emergence of new and innovative technologies.  Reference skills, sources, and services are but one area that has changed to meet the needs of students in the diverse, global society of today.  The Internet has become the most important reference tool in the digital age, providing many of the electronic information sources required for reference services.” (Rielding , 2019, pg. 99)

Reference services from a remote learning commons has become the ‘new normal’ for many libraries across Canada and even worldwide. On March 19th, 2020, the B.C. government closed all schools in B.C. in an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19.  “That means that more than 500,000 B.C. students won’t be returning to class after spring break. B.C. Education Minister Rob Fleming has said that schools and school districts should offer alternatives while in-class instruction is suspended” (Crawford, 2020). This news for teacher-librarians has resulted in a significant shift in how we support students, staff, parents and administrators with a now virtual learning commons.

Asselin outlines the following standards for Information and Communication Technologies:

From the perspective of information access, information and communication technologies in the school library offer:

  • Ready access during and beyond the school day
  • Equitable opportunities for students who do not have computers at home
  • Supervised settings for the use of the Internet and electronic, digital, and online resources.
  • Increased productivity and learning through learner-focused activities
  • Enhancement and extension of the curricula through integration of technologies.
  • Support for a variety of teaching and learning styles.

(Asselin, 2003, pg. 46)

For remote learning, reference access, equitable opportunities, support for a variety of teaching and learning styles was a large part of week one’s action plan.

Re-imagining reference services:

Reference services at Rockridge’s learning commons has more print resources than digital reference sources.  The digital references are largely supplied by the ERAC district bundle, though we do have some additional purchases outside of that. Through the library operations folder that we maintain, we have all of the digital resource logins, passwords, vendor contacts and the licensing terms.  Putting together a school specific digital resource list was the first step to supporting the school community.


It was clear from looking at the digital reference list there were significant topic gaps within our reference collection online as compared to our print reference section.  Having started evaluating our print reference section for LIBE 467, I was able to see gaps within the online references that our print selection fills. Our print reference resources comprise of 6 shelves.  With the exception of the last shelf, all of the texts are organized by Dewey categorization.  The inclusion of the newer AP science volumes (500s) after the Canadian Encyclopedias (970s) was a decision that related to space and access, as frequently used.

Our online references, largely miss language support texts, geography and atlas texts, as well as some of the more topic specific reference resources within the humanities and social science sections.  Having said that, these print references are older texts within our collection for the most part and fall outside 15+ years old.  We don’t see much use of these texts, but they have yet to be weeded or replaced.

After an digital reference resource list was generated, my library partner let administration know that we are ready and prepared to support staff with course text access, reference resources and researching projects.   I also sent an email to staff that shared the following supplied information:

  1. Digital resources – school-based resources
  2. FOIPA approved resources by our district
    1. we also encourage all staff to supply us with any digital tool that they wish to use that is not on the approved list so that we can send to the district team for vetting and approval.
  3. Copyright information
    1. Highlights from Copyright Matters
    2. Rules for recording ‘read alouds’ posted online
    3. Canadian publishers’ information – reporting requirements and how we can help with submitting that information.
Encouraging Reference Service Engagement:

One of the challenges, I’ve found with being a remote teacher-librarian is creating that central hub like our learning commons has without being overzealous.  We are cognizant to not over-inform, over email and essentially overwhelm staff with copious resources that may or may not be useful to every teacher.  One of the more effective strategies we found was to let every department coordinator know that we are available to attend any department virtual meetings.  This was received positively by staff and we were able to attend a number of virtual department meetings.  These meetings served multiple benefits: we are able to actively show our presence and availability for support; we are able to listen to subject topics being focused on, which lets us anticipate potential reference supports; we also were able to share some of the support we can offer: not just supplying digital references, but also investigating copyright rules for specific texts, creating video support for using materials to be shared with classes.  After these department meetings, we received many queries about research topics and classroom text alternatives. Week one was a busy week!

District Teacher-Librarian Collaboration:

A number of meetings outside of the school community also took place in week one.   District teacher-librarian meetings as well as smaller break off meetings with the secondary teacher-librarians.   Some of the topics we explored were: teacher librarian supports, effective ways to communicate how we can support our staff, students and families with essential learning, reference reviewing: vetting and approvals, copyright and FOIPA.

With the BC Government relaxing FOIPA rules until June 30th, the overarching message our district is conveying is that we must protect our students and ourselves within this grey territory.  To support our district, we have been asked to do a preliminary review on a number of online sources.  This evaluation follows similar guidelines to the ERAC suggestions in Appendix 5.  “Consultation with resource teachers, such as teacher-librarians and technology coordinators, will provide information on how best to provide access for students. Sites should be appropriate for the grade level and language of instruction while being readable and accessible. The school’s technology resources will have an impact on what type of sites are of practical use. Teachers must also ensure students are aware of school district policies on Internet safety and computer use.” (Evaluating, Selecting, 2008, pg. 136). Our district is evaluating digital resources based on: does it connect/support essential learning; is there a comparable resource already licensed; do we have to login or create accounts; grade appropriate; is the site safe or free from advertising; accessible to all; education specific?

The district guidelines mirror Riedling’s philosophy.  She states, “a Web resource may be different from a print source, but it remains essentially the same in purpose and scope.  Web materials can make steps easier, considerably more efficient, and certainly more comprehensive.  However, each resource must be evaluated for authority ad appropriateness for the question at hand.” (Riedling, 2019, pg. 103)

Some great sources of free reference sources are being shared within the teacher-librarian community:

With the volume of free resources available, we are collectively working together to ensure that teachers are equipped with the best resources for their courses.  Teachers are encouraged to submit digital resource requests for review. Not all resources are approved, and it is conveyed to staff that the approvals are district specific and what may be approved provincially or in another district isn’t necessarily greenlit for us. The approved resources are officially greenlit at a district level and shared with all staff.  For example, in our district we are not permitted to do 2-way teleconferencing, nor are we permitted to use Zoom.  However, we have virtual meetings with staff and are encouraged to use Google Meet and Microsoft Team.  How-to videos have been circulated to staff to ensure ease of access like the one here for Google Meet.  Where possible, alternatives are provided.

Virtual Reference Interviews:

Once staff were set up with the basic information on how the library team can support them, individual teacher requests were being received.  The first direct contacts were about current texts or movies.  Can we source approval or do we have an alternative?  My teacher-librarian colleague reached out to a number of publishers and was able to secure digital copies of some texts, or was able to share publisher’s temporary ‘relaxed’ copyright rules.  For films, this has been more of a challenge.  One of our Social Studies teachers wanted to show a movie on the Lavender Scare which explores LGBTQ treatment in the US during the Cold War, but we discovered that digital access was not available. After searching were able to share a Canadian perspective alternative with TVO’s Fruit Machine.  We have been less lucky however sourcing a digital copy for The Handmaid’s Tale 1990 film, which we can access via DVD, but permissions to rip and upload are not enabled.  Apple and YouTube enable users to pay for a digital copy but this is for single user licensing and not classroom sharing.  The majority of films used to support classes, we are finding will have to come from the following sources: Criterion on Demand, NFB, public free to access sites like TVO, West Vancouver Memorial Library’s Kanopy and Indieflix.  The latter requires the additional step of ensuring all students have WVML cards, which most do.  Those that don’t will be helped with acquiring one remotely.

The other requests we are now starting to receive, and likely will have more as the weeks pass are research support queries.  My recent reference query was a request to support students researching revolutions.  I conducted a brief reference interview over email and ascertained that the teacher was looking to have general information for her students to find any revolution: cultural or political.  They will have to retell it through 5 elements of story and include at least one primary resource.  I went through our databases as well as the temporarily free Gale in Context High School.  I created a reference resource document, outlining research steps.

The next step was creating video support, showing how to navigate through Gale in Context High School.   The video was designed on Mac screen capture software and slightly edited in iMovie for this assignment to redact the passwords.  I was tempted to use other software, but for the purposes of this reference query and time management, these were the most effective creation tools to me.

(Video by N.Reid)

My video was deliberately short and serves to show students how to navigate and select primary resources.  I know that many students will stop at this stage, and the research document I created can adequately support from this point forward.  However, some students will need further explanation and I created a second video that shows students how to navigate our library page and select both databases and encyclopedias.  For most students this will be a refresher, but there are some who are new to the school, that may have missed our orientations.

(Video by N.Reid)

The above supports for a remote learning reference query, worked well for supporting students and offer similar support to an in-person library lesson.  The caveat will be questions.  From teaching library lessons, there is an opportunity to have students ask questions on the spot and reply.  With this type of remote learning set-up, that instantaneous feedback isn’t viable and we can only encourage students to ask us if they have questions.  Another drawback is not being able to ‘read the room’.  As a teacher, you are looking for class receptiveness and when you have ‘lost’ a group, you are able to reset and either backtrack or further elaborate.  An online video does not offer that type of engagement.  The positive however, is that students can rewind if they missed a step and learners are able to move at their own pace. We foresee many more of these types of reference queries over the next few weeks and look forward to discovering more ways to support students and teachers.

After Remote Learning:

The current status of offering remote reference services has variable intensities.  The first week offering teacher supports was extremely busy and also rewarding.  Now that teachers are diving into content, we are seeing more topic specific research queries.  We have yet to received direct contact from students for reference services, but anticipate this will happen with assignment engagement.  The experience of offering remote services is new to many of us, but I can’t help wonder how it will shape our perception of reference services when we return to the physical learning commons.

Having done a direct comparison between the print collection and our electronic collection, the glaring omissions within digital reference resources cannot be overlooked. The area that feels weakest for support is within languages.  Having mentioned earlier a number of the print references that don’t have digital resource counterparts, are from texts that are generally 15+ years older and fail the both Crew’s MUSTIE scale and Asselin’s standards, technically they should be weeded.  Budget, use and better replacements are factors that lend to why the resource is still housed within the collection.  An aggressive evaluation of usage will need to be observed to determine whether many of the older print references are actually being used.  This would enable a more focused buying approach to replace some print collections and also the digital resource for offsite use.

Works Cited:

Asselin, Marlene., Branch, J., & Oberg, D., (Eds). (2003). Achieving information literacy: Standards for school library programs in Canada. Ottawa. Retrieved from http://accessola2.com/SLIC-Site/slic/ail110217.pdf

BCTLA Executive. (2020, March 22). A Word from the BCTLA Executive during this time. Retrieved April 5, 2020, from https://bctla.ca/2020/03/22/a-word-from-the-bctla-executive-during-this-time/

Beaudry, R. (2020, April 7). 25 Sources of Free Public Domain books [Tweet]. Retrieved from https://twitter.com/RBeaudryCCLE/status/1247573556138872832

Canadian School Libraries (CSL). (2018) “Leading Learning:  Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada.” Retrieved from:  http://llsop.canadianschoollibraries.ca

Crawford, T. (2020, March 19). COVID-19: Five things to know about B.C. school closures. Vancouver Sun. Retrieved from https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/covid-19-five-things-to-know-about-b-c-school-closures/

DoIT Training at Stony Brook University. (2020, March 10). Using Google Meet to Record a Meeting or Narrate Slides [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bEJEvf6JFk

Evaluating, Selecting and Acquiring Learning Resources: A Guide [Guide]. (2008). Retrieved from https://bcerac.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/ERAC_WB.pdf

Larson, J. (2012). CREW: A Weeding Manual for Modern Libraries [Manual]. Retrieved from https://www.tsl.texas.gov/sites/default/files/public/tslac/ld/ld/pubs/crew/crewmethod12.pdf

Library of Congress: Engage! (n.d.). Retrieved April 5, 2020, from https://loc.gov/engage

Noel, W., & Snel, J. (2016). Copyright Matters!: Some Key Questions [Pamphlet]. Retrieved from http://cmec.ca/Publications/Lists/Publications/Attachments/291/Copyright_Matters.pdf

Reid, N. (2020, April 6). Revolution Intro Research [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2uZbyRqodQ

Reid, N. (2020, April 6). School Database Review [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cz7vteoaP98

Riedling, A. M., & Houston, C. (2019). Reference skills for the school librarian: Tools and tips (4th ed.). Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited.

Welcome to the Home Page of Rockridge Library Learning Commons. (n.d.). Retrieved April 2, 2020, from http://www.sd45slc.ca/about-rockridge-library.html


Evaluation of Reference Sources: Geography Encyclopedias


Our secondary school was initially designed as middle school but changed shortly after opening to a grade 8-12 secondary school with a current enrollment of approximately 900 students.  The learning commons has evolved over the years to include a partitioned classroom, makerspace, Lego wall and computer terminals in addition to the various workspaces which include traditional table arrangements, beanbags and cushioned armchairs.  This has all been designed to maximize a constrained space for both functional usability and aesthetics.  Our reference section of texts represents a small section within the space.  Noticeably, many of the encyclopedia, science, history and geography volumes are 15+ years old, with newer sources gradually being added.  The online references are supported through our district ERAC Bundle, with additional subscriptions provided through the school’s learning commons.  For this assignment, there were many subject specific encyclopedia volumes to focus on, but the area that I feel needs the most weeding and updating falls within the 910 Dewey area of the reference section – The Encyclopedia of World Geography, 2nd Edition.

Part 1 – Evaluative Review and Rubric of a resource

Riedling states that “encyclopedias remain essential reference sources for any student at the beginning of the information inquiry process.” (Riedling, 2019, p. 66).   She further explores the conundrum faced by librarians that has them weighing cost with currency.  With respect to geographical texts, as “human society has become more global than ever before; therefore, recent geographical resources are a necessity.” (Riedling, 2019, p. 75) Currency is essential for geographical texts to hold accuracy and relevance.  In developing a framework for my rubric to evaluate an encyclopedia with a geography subject, I compared models explored by Riedling in Reference Skills for the School Librarian, CREW: A Weeding Manual for Modern Libraries, and ERAC’s Evaluating, Selecting and Acquiring Learning Resources: A Guide. Riedling’s criteria for evaluating a reference with respect to the general guidelines becomes more streamlined with the types of resources evaluated. The criteria within the evaluation structure, however, is largely tailored to the acquisition of resources.  When constructing an evaluative rubric, one that fits both weeding and acquisition needs to be designed. Therefore, the inclusion of criterion from CREW’s MUSTIE evaluation for weeding is integral to my designed rubric.  ERAC’s evaluation guides also inspired my designed rubric, due to the curricular focus components.

The Rubric

Reference Source Evaluation

The Encyclopedia of World Geography, 2nd Edition

The next step of the reference evaluation is determining whether The Encyclopedia of World Geography, 2nd Edition meets criteria that justifies weeding and selecting a replacement. The Encyclopedia is a 24-volume set, published in 2002 by Marshall Cavendish.  Using the rubric from Figure 2, the resource was evaluated, with the omission of cost as inapplicable, and it was ascertained The Encyclopedia of World Geography, 2nd Edition is an unsatisfactory reference resource.


The Encyclopedia of World Geography, 2nd Edition against the rubric

When selecting The Encyclopedia of World Geography, 2nd Edition, it was not unexpected that it would successfully meet the criteria for a ‘weedable’ reference text.   When considering curriculum FIT, the number of courses using the text and whether the new curriculum was adequately supported by the content was the first evaluation undertaken.  The representation of the Canadian arctic and dated terminology of “Native Indians” (Haggett, 2002, Vol 3, p. 394), is not in keeping with curriculum overview of Aboriginal Perspectives and Knowledge, which states:

“British Columbia has long had the goal of improving school success for all Aboriginal students. Achieving this goal will require that the voice of Aboriginal people be heard in all aspects of the education system; the presence of Aboriginal languages, cultures, and histories be increased in provincial curricula; and leadership and informed practice be provided.” (“Curriculum Overview”, n.d.)

The dated representation of indigenous peoples in the text is harmful to the First Peoples Principles of Learning. After exploring more volumes, it was clear to see that the fundamental reason this encyclopedia set needs to be weeded is because it is outdated and, in some sections, misinforms.  Volume 15 explores the Middle East with very dated perspectives on Syria before the civil war and before ISIS.  Equally this is similar with Volume 21 about South East Asia and its description of the conflicts in Burma with Aung San Suu Kyi’s recent release from house arrest and her restrictions on political freedom. (Haggett, 2002, vol 21, p. 2892)

Part 2 – Find, select, and evaluate a potential resource replacement:

Once weeding was decided, the next question soon became – will this text be replaced by another encyclopedia text volume?  Online encyclopedia? Or a combination?  I reached out to our vendors and evaluated 3 different potential replacements:

  • Nations of the World, 2018;

      • One Volume that explores 235 Nations in limited detail.
        • Sample pages on Australia demonstrate general economy and political background, but it doesn’t delve into the territories, and it only briefly mentions indigenous peoples, glossing over land claim and social issues. Limited perspective in sample. (Nations of the World, 2018, p. 103-117)
      • Briefly touches on current political and economic events
      • Online access – Non IP Authenticated, enabling remote login access
      • One language
      • Quote: $240.00 CAD (quote provided by representative at Salem Press)
      • Evaluation Result: Ruled out – Content/Scope is lacking for this to be a replacement resource.
  • CultureGrams (CultureGrams Data, n.d., p. 1) 

      • Online access only. Offsite login access ability
      • English only, but reads aloud content for accessibility (“Antarctica”, 2020)
      • Provides: “local perspectives on more than 200 countries, detailing daily life and culture, including history, customs, and lifestyles. From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, each concise, reliable, and up-to-date report is written and reviewed by local experts, providing users with unique, intimate cultural details from a real insider’s perspective.” (CultureGrams Data, n.d., p. 1)
      • Quote: $977.53 USD/12 months (quote provided by ProQuest and based on 900 students)
      • Evaluation: Ruled out – after evaluating the online trial, the content and scope was appropriate, but the cost justification was off balance. A yearly expenditure of this size would not proportionately reflect student needs.
  • World Geography, Second Edition, 2020;

      • 6 volume set explores:
        • Geographical Concepts and Worldview
        • Human Geography, including Political Geography
        • Regional Breakdown
        • Physical Geography
        • Economic Geography
        • Biogeography and Natural Resources
        • Gazetteer
      • Per vendor, some language toggle ability
      • Free online access – non-IP authenticated. Login access offsite.
      • Quote: $793.33 CAD (Quote provided by representative at Salem Press)
      • Evaluation Result per the rubric below: Good option to serve as replacement; however, an online trial is not available until September 2020 and before a purchase, this would need further evaluation.

World Geography, Second Edition, 2020 against the rubric

Concluding Remarks:

The resource that supports my school’s need isn’t necessarily the best resource evaluated. When considering replacing a multi-volume set from the reference section, the most ideal replacement is a text/online combo.  Many of the coursework assignments that the learning commons supports require students to access books and online resources.  In every source I evaluated, the Canadian perspective was lacking, but within topic of World Geography, most of the material is published in the US.  This impacts Canadian perspective, but potentially also the accessibility for multi-language use, particularly in French.  Another mitigating factor is cost.  A one-time expenditure versus yearly one heavily weighs in the ruling out of a resource like Culture Grams.  Having said this, were this to be a part of our district’s ERAC bundle, then the emphasis of having an onsite book would be weighed less in my evaluation.  Cost is a key driver in the evaluation process.

World Geography, 2nd Edition offers better support of the new curriculum with its currency. The outdated ‘facts’ and archaic terminology justifies the weeding of The Encyclopedia of World Geography, 2nd Edition.  Because of the newly updated content World Geography, 2nd Edition, however, senior level courses such as Comparative Cultures 12 and Physical Geography 12 will have more opportunities for students to connect with the text and online material.  The updated content explores through country specific presentation perspectives of past and present cultures, which is a key curricular competency for Comparative Cultures 12. (“Comparative Cultures”, n.d.) Additionally, the text’s topical coverage of regional breakdown, physical geography, biogeography and natural resources support the assessment of how human and environmental factors and events influence each other, a key curricular competency for Physical Geography 12 (“Physical Geography”, n.d).

The format and indexing of World Geography, 2nd Edition is comparable to The Encyclopedia of World Geography, 2nd Edition, except for content amounts.  The Encyclopedia is 25 volumes versus 6 and includes one exclusive index textbook.  There is a reduction in the amount of content/detail, but the value of currency outweighs in this instance.  The final evaluation, which I was unfortunately unable to undertake will be to request the online access component in September, when it is available.  This will enable a more comprehensive assessment of user friendliness and the format/technical design.  Overall, World Geography 2nd Edition, received a positive evaluation due to cost, currency, format variety and curriculum FIT.

Works Cited:

“Antarctica” (2020). CultureGrams Online Edition. ProQuest. Retrieved from http://online.culturegrams.com/famouspeople/country.php?contid=13&cid=236&wmn=Antarctica&type=World

Comparative Cultures 12. (n.d.). Retrieved February 4, 2020, from BC’s New Curriculum website: https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/curriculum/social-studies/12/comparative-cultures

CultureGrams Data Sheet [Pamphlet]. (n.d.). ProQuest.

Curriculum Overview. (n.d.). Retrieved February 3, 2020, from BC’s New Curriculum website: https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/curriculum/overview

Evaluating, Selecting and Acquiring Learning Resources: A Guide [Guide]. (2008). Retrieved from https://bcerac.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/ERAC_WB.pdf

Haggett, P. (2002). Encyclopedia of world geography (2nd ed.). New York, NY/USA: Marshall Cavendish.

Larson, J. (2012). CREW: A Weeding Manual for Modern Libraries [Manual]. Retrieved from https://www.tsl.texas.gov/sites/default/files/public/tslac/ld/ld/pubs/crew/crewmethod12.pdf

Nations of the World. (2018). Retrieved from https://greyhouse.com/Media/GreyHousePublishing/samples/nations_pgs.pdf

Physical Geography 12. (n.d.). Retrieved February 4, 2020, from BC’s New Curriculum website: https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/curriculum/social-studies/12/physical-geography

Proquest Libguides CultureGrams. (2019) Retrieved February 8, 2020 from http://proquest.libguides.com/culturegrams

Riedling, A. M., & Houston, C. (2019). Reference skills for the school librarian: Tools and tips (4th ed.). Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited.

World Geography. (n.d.). Retrieved February 4, 2020, from Salem Press website: https://www.salempress.com/book/world-geography