Greetings! I’m a fourth-year student in computer science, with additional education in History and Library Science. Working with the ORHDP is an ideal job for me, as it combines many of my interests. I love going out to the community repositories, meeting new people, and learning more about the local history. And my co-workers are super!
My main responsibility with the project is migrating data from the archival repositories we visit to the spreadsheets we use for our information about the photographs and other documents we’ve scanned. As well, I occasionally help with scanning and photo editing.
Ultimately, the records and scans will be uploaded to the web, so that they’ll be available to researchers and the general public.
The form that the descriptive data is in depends on the repository – it may be in a custom museum database program, in Excel or Access, or simply in a Word document. Each conversion project has its unique aspects!
I’ll be staying on with the project until the end of this year, and I look forward to the travels and technical challenges ahead.