Things to do outside the house when you’re broke:

Who isn’t holding back their wallets a bit these days?  Espicially after buying those textbooks.  (Discount Textbooks @ UBC Village FTW!)

So here’s some stuff to do for free and outside of the house:

plan a: crash a friend’s house
plan a2:  crash the furniture store as if you were crashing a friend’s house
plan b: raid your friend’s video game stash
plan b2: raid best buy’s video game stash (aka go play their Rock Band/WII)
plan c: go to the park
plan d: go to the park that you usually don’t go to
plan e: go on the skytrain and ride it to the most interesting sounding name, get off and walk around
plan f: the seawall!

So it’s not the most interesting compilation of things to do.  Really, it’s just what I’ve been doing.  What have you been doing?  I need some inspiration.

plan g: get a job and start a new list of things to do when not broke?

It’s ending.  I’m sure you know what “it” is and have long realized it’s end so I won’t go into the depressing details.  T minus… a small number of days.

As much as these moments are our own, we can never have them back.