Choose your own adventure.

(from here? XD)

It is 3:55 Friday afternoon.  You sit down in your seat for your last class of the day. Math. Due to a conference (or something of the sort, you weren’t really paying attention), your teacher has been away all week.  The teacher (whose name also escapes you) who has been subbing is not here yet.

Last night, your actual teacher emailed the class a reminder to hand in the assignment for today.  This is probably the reason why there is a small herd of young adults gathering around the “hand in box”.

The problem is… last Friday, that was the “hand back box”.  Despite your horrible attention span and memory, you remember clearly that the teacher only contemplated the use of the box for hand ins. Besides, will “the sub” know that it is the hand in box?  Should you get off your ass from the far back row in the class to go all the way down and up the stairs, only to possibly have to do it again?

Do you:
a) Hand it in. Hey, if everyone else is doing it.
b) Hold on it. That’s right, be a rebel!
c) Make a friend. Get them to hand it in.
d) Keep weighing the options. (Please refer to option b)
e) Get out of your seat, only to realize you didn’t do all the questions yet.

If you chose a or c (or chose b or d and ended up doing a or c anyways), you are like the large majority of the class.

If none of the options suited you.  Then you are like the 1 or 2 guys in this class who just handed it in and left.

It is now 4:05.  There is no teacher.  You start getting excited because maybe he won’t show. Maybe you will have a whole hour extra of FRIDAY! A girl goes to the front of the class and says that we should all collectively leave at 4:10.

4:08.  You’re just too anxious. You put on your back pack and start heading to the asile. Wait. What about the homework you slaved over?

a) Think about it more.
b) Stop thinking. Leave.

If you chose a, you are 97% of the class.

What if some jerk waits till everyone is gone and takes everyone’s homework? What if no one takes it but only yours is lost in the shuffle?

A boy goes to the front of the class and facilitates a vote.  Whether we all take our homework back or we gather them up and give it to another teacher.

a) Leave it and leave.
b) Take it and go.
c) “maybe the teacher will come…”
d)You forget what you did but you’re out the door. FRIDAY!

(mainly a 50/50 split between a and b, with a few for the rest)

Well, it’s Friday afternoon.  Maybe you’re inside, maybe you’re not. Either way, there was no class in the end.

If you are like the guy in the 3rd row from the back, center, you calculated out how much money you just lost for the class you paid for but didn’t have.

Lesson learned: Decisions cost you those few extra minutes of your day. Not that you didn’t already know that.

If you are like me, you ended up leaving the homework, sat in the sub, ate at Crystal Mall food court, saw friends waiting for the bus and tagged along on their quest for Korean BBQ, saw Megan Fox’s Jennifer’s Body and enjoyed a nice walk in the rain home at 1 am.

[This post was based on true events and people. Any resemblance to real faces, thoughts or decisions may indeed be real.]