My First University Midterm.

Math. 1 hour. 4 questions. 40 marks. Each question had sub questions.

Here is what I learned/relearned/confirmed about the test taking process.

1. Skip the questions you don’t know. (In my case the first 2 pages.)

2. Breathe.

3. If there is a question you cannot finish all the way, mark it on the side so you remember to come back to it.

4. Remember to go back to it.

5. If you really don’t know, make educated guesses. (Unless it’s those multiple choice tests where they take off marks for getting it wrong and nothing when you don’t answer)

6. In the case of math, if you do all the work and you get an answer, but you know the answer is impossible/wrong, and you are almost out of time: use whatever answer that seems to be possible/right (ie. from plugging into calculator)

7. (#6 is something I learned in highschool. Comes from the idea that doing the work right gets you marks and getting the right answer gives you a mark. However, it may not be the case anymore. I’m not sure.)

8. Water = good. It helps your brain work better.

9. Too much water = bad. Don’t want to have to go for a bathrooom break…

10. Breathe, stay calm. Even when it is over and you are thinking “FML.”

[side note] I do not guarentee that these “tips” work. I am not liable for any mistakes you may make. The truth is that even I don’t follow my own ideas all the time. Espicially #10. If you saw me on the #43 today going home, then you understand.

This always cracks me up:
