
If there was legitimate scientific fact that all the scientists of the world approved of that proved the world is ending in two years…

What would you do?

Would you try to survive it?

If not, what will you do in your last moment?

I watched 2012 on Friday night, not bad.  Come for the CG stay for the “I wonder if they will live… will this end like The Knowing?”

I kind of want to be there when the world ends, just to see how it happens.  But not really, I think I’d like a peaceful, in my sleep of old age, kind of death.  If somehow the world is all messed up and some humans survive, I’d want to be there just to know.  But not really, it’s probably going to be chaos and depressing and maybe worse than the moment when the world “ended”.

My friend said when the world ends he’d take a picture of it.  I thought to myself “what’s the point no one would see it” and then I realized it’s pretty deep.  The world “ends” for everyone eventually, you still do the things you want to do anyway.

Back to the movie,

The CG: Haven’t seen anything like it before, but to be honest it didn’t reach my expectations.  There were moments when it felt more like  cut scenes of games like Final Fantasy, impressive but still had the cartoony feel.

The destruction: There is something about visually stimulating scenes of destruction that I love.   Not the most imaginative stuff but still worth the gander.

The characters: Some quirky ones, but for others it felt like they tried to give them depth only to have it come out kind of forced.

The story: The only interesting thing about this movie was what exactly was the government building that could save some people.  There was a notable scene where… ok no spoilers but there was a scene where it was so well executed that everyone was laughing and clapping at their way of escaping yet another disaster.

So I didn’t say too many good things about 2012 but it wasn’t a bad movie.  It was entertaining and a well spent Friday.

I rate it a $9 out of $12.  (I believe the price was actually $11.95…)

However, for other  mainstream end of the world type movies I would recommend:

For the celebs – Armageddon

For the soul – Deep Impact

For fun – Independence Day

For similar-to-2012-but-better-and-I’m-broke – The Day After Tomorrow

For the faint of heart – Titanic

These kind of movies always make me wonder if I should go be a scientist or a CG artist…

[side note] If you are very critical of movie magic “physics” where for some reason they forgot to account for centripital force, this may not be for you.