What I’ve learned in university:

It’s really hard to be alone.

I came to UBC knowing that most of my closest friends wouldn’t be here, but I thought it would be ok.  I’m a pretty independent person anyway. I still get to see them just not as much as I would like even though none of them moved overseas or anything.  It’s not like they would be in my classes either, but it makes more of a difference than I thought.

You think I would’ve felt this loneliness earlier and not when the school year is nearing it’s end.  The feeling just suddenly hit me today when I was riding the skytrain home.

Maybe it’s not loneliness but nostalgia.  I do wonder what it would be like to be going to the same school as them though.

How must it feel to be an international student?  Maybe I’m underestimating the difficulty but it seems like it’s harder to be nearby and not see your friends than far away and not see them.  Am I heartless?  I don’t think so, it’s just my thought.  I’m not bent on it, you can change my mind if you want.

Ok, I’m not totally alone, I’ve made friends, I like being around them.  But when it’s time to go home… wait.  Maybe it’s that long lonely commute I hate.