Anyone remember the day in elementary school that came once a year when the whole school is divided into colour teams, eat hot dogs for lunch, covered in sunscreen, cheering your head off and playing games you’ve never heard of before? Aka… sports day?

Is this just a North American thing?

Anyway, Storm the Wall totally brought back memories of sports day though I was only a mere spectator.

My impression of Storm the Wall: It’s INTENSE. Much more than I thought. The wall… it’s huge.

In case you haven’t been near the SUB to see the two giant things, here is a picture of one of them.

My picture makes the wall look kind of dinky, but it is much more intimidating in person.

I really have to give a round of applause for the participants. Especially the Iron People who did the whole race by themselves and then climbed the wall with only a dangling arm reaching down to them from the top for help. Were there any Super Iron Men? I can’t imagine how someone is supposed to scale a 12 foot wall with just one giant leap at it… unless someone out there is like 8 feet.

Lesson learned about university: You must find the fun yourself.  There are no longer daily PA announcements telling you what is going on this week.

The student life no longer includes that part where you are forced into dressing up in stupid colours, learn chants and do relay races… wait.  There is still Imagine Day.