Hands down the most important class.

Hands down the most important class I took in high school that has helped me the most in succeeding in university…


Ok, so it’s more like a subject than a class but you get what I mean. Seriously though, those reading and writing skills… boy do they mean a lot.  There were times where I thought, “whatever man, I’m in business, reading and writing? Pfft! English is my first language, I did great in English 12, I’m fine with what I got.” Even though there isn’t a huge requirement for writing and comprehension skills in the business faculty, they have seriously been a huge asset.

1) Get through questions faster because I can read them faster.

2) Spend less time constructing sentences and more time constructing sentences for answers.

3) Study time is cut shorter because I can read the book with less re-reading.

And even with English as my first (and for the most part, only) language, being in university has made me realize how much I am still lacking in it.  Looking back, I wish I had read more and conversed with people more.  Well, life is a continuous learning circle.

I often think the point of elementary school was to do well in high school and the point of high school was to do well in university.  So what’s the point of university?  To do well at work?  Is that what we are all aiming for?  I know I am looking at it in a very black and white way, but it seems almost too… soulless. I could very well be wrong.  What do you think?

What is the most-helpful-to-your-life-after-high-school high school class that you took?