Going Global Part 2: Post Application Thoughts

I posted a post a few weeks ago about applying to Go Global (exchange) where I was debating between Manchester University in England and Keio University in Tokyo. In the end, I actually applied to, in order of first choice to last, Hong Kong University, Keio University and a Shanghai Summer Program.

Let’s just say, at the time of that earlier post, I hadn’t done enough research as I should have yet and didn’t realize a few set backs and almost missed out on some amazing opportunities. So I have  some tips:

Start your application early.
Early as in December, and if it is something that you really want do, at least have it in the back of your mind (which it probably will if you’re dying to go like me.) I had ideas in my head, I thought I would be able to fill out the forms in max two weeks and it’ll be a breeze.  If you’re in commerce, it’s not as much of a breeze because you will have to make a rough plan of all the courses you will take until you graduate.  I was actually kind of surprised other faculties don’t have to do this because it felt like like something they would have to consider too.

Despite the point above, It’s never too late.
I know some people who decided they were going the night before the deadline.  At the info sessions there were 4th years who were going to go on their last semester which isn’t usually allowed.  If you want it, go get it =)

Advisors aren’t scary.
I don’t know this for a fact because I am always too scared to talk to them, but I don’t know else is going to be able to help you more.

Don’t forget why you’re going.
Don’t lose that fire just because you stayed up crafting that beautiful “why you want to go” essay and didn’t get any sleep and forgot what you wrote it.  For schools with limited spots or an excess of applications, there may be interviews.   I went to one today and I walked out of that room feeling pretty bad.  Nervous, as always, I couldn’t say the things I wanted to.  When I started replaying the events, I realize I didn’t mention the fire, there were these special classes that I really wanted to take, the reason why I chose that school first with a solid “yes this is it.”  And the feeling of having a fire and not letting it burn for others to see feels like you set yourself in ashy flames… let your fire shine!  (man that’s lame sounding)

You will need two references that are teachers or TAs (at least one a teacher) but all you will need is their name.
Another reason to start earlier…

There are paper AND online components.

It’s not as hard as this post is making it sound.
It’s an easy process once you know what you want to do.