Where do we hide?

Stop, duck and cover.

Exactly where do we hide if an earthquake hits while we’re on campus?

Especially if we’re in a Buchanan D class room, or MATH 100 or WOOD [insert #]?

Really… I don’t know what I would do other than book it for the door but so would most other people right?

4 thoughts on “Where do we hide?

  1. I was actually curious about this because the Pacific coast is supposed to be one of the most active for earthquakes (see California, for example), but I’ve never experienced one my whole three years living out here. Check it out:


    There are loads of little earthquakes in the area all the time, but if you scroll down the list, those with an ‘F’ next to them were reported felt. You’ll see there are very little of them that are actually strong enough to be felt, and even less of them are in the Lower Mainland (most are on the coast of Vancouver Island, or further north).

    So, thankfully, we have little to worry about here.

  2. @Camille Yes, our earthquake is overdue, in fact. With that in mind, I feel that we on the West Coast especially need to be compassionate and show our humanity towards the Haitian crisis right now because when the time comes, we too will need to call on the international community for aid…

    @Paulina, I would take cover under a desk.

  3. In our Natural Disasters course (in WOOD) formally informed that it would be embarassing to die of an earthquake in such a class. Apparantly hiding your head under a seat or desk from falling chunks of granite will keep you alive. 🙂

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