Category Archives: Educational Technology

Long Live the GIF!

Public Domain (

For a long time people avoided using animated GIFs on the web. They were considered to be simple, annoying, like the tacky cousins of the more sophisticated flash animations, javascript and videos. A snobby web designer might have said that they were so Web 1.0! However, after a decade long dormancy they are back! Continue reading

Need Colour? Use Firefox’s Eyedropper Tool

CC BY-SA Parm27

CC BY-SA Parm27

One of the most charming tools available in Photoshop is the eyedropper tool. It’s so handy to sample colours from images already open in Photoshop. For online, images or web site elements that I wanted to know the colour for, I just copied and saved the image, and then brought it into Photoshop to sample. Continue reading

Flickr Images & Creative Commons Licenses

Made Easy with ImageCodr

“I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.”

― Bill Gates

Using Flickr images is not a hard job, nor is attributing the author correctly, or linking to the source of the image, or even understanding the Creative Commons licenses correctly.  But all of this together can be difficult and is a time consuming nuisance. Especially so when you are developing course content under a tight deadline. (Of course, that never happens!) ImageCodr is a great online tool to make this process easier and faster. Continue reading