Classroom Ecology & Game-Based Learning

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My group and I have just finished of our group assignment for the ETEC511: Foundations of Educational Technology course. I’ve never worked on a group assignment completely online before, not to mention, with group members situated in different places around the world. It actually turned out to be easier than I anticipated. After we figured out the best time for meeting, we used Google Hangouts for regular meeting sessions.

If I could give advice to students who will be taking this course in the future, I would tell them to:

  • pick your topic early;
  • set-up regular meetings (or hangouts) in advance;
  • explore the example projects provided in the course content;
  • and, finally give yourself enough time to edit and fine tune your assignment before you submit it.

Our groups topic covered Module 7: The Ecology & Nature of Educational Technology and we targeted students between grade 6-8 for the case study and assignment. For our topic we selected  game-based learning in the classroom. You are welcome to check out our Ecology of Educational Technology and Game-Based Learning site to take a look at our case study.

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