Made Easy with ImageCodr
“I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.”
― Bill Gates
Using Flickr images is not a hard job, nor is attributing the author correctly, or linking to the source of the image, or even understanding the Creative Commons licenses correctly. But all of this together can be difficult and is a time consuming nuisance. Especially so when you are developing course content under a tight deadline. (Of course, that never happens!) ImageCodr is a great online tool to make this process easier and faster.

by joepopp
Using ImageCodr is very simple. After you select your Creative Commons licensed image on Flickr, just paste the image’s URL on the site and it will generate ready to use HTML code. As easy as that! You could copy and paste the image and attribution directly into your Word document or PowerPoint. Or you could use this directly in your LMS content areas or indirectly via HTML pages created for your LMS. And if you are familiar with HMTL you can make further modifications to suit your needs.