Tag Archives: E-Portfolio

ETEC 565: E-Portfolio Artifact

Screen Shot 2016-06-18 at 2.13.10 PMCreating an e-portfolio was a significant component for the ETEC 565A: Learning Technologies: Selection, Design and Application assignments grade. 

So, rather than linking to specific artifacts created for that course, I’ve provided a link for the course specific e-portfolio site.

Note: In order to come back to this website just click on the  My MET E-Portfolio Site link under the Connect With Me links .

E-Portfolio Learning Commons

For Teaching Professionals

Our group project in the ETEC510: The Design of Technology-Supported Learning Environments course was to create a learning space, on a specific topic. My group and I chose to create a website which is dedicated to helping educators of young adults incorporate electronic portfolios into their teaching practice and instructional design.

