Tag Archives: Media Study Guide

The Mindy Project: Media Study Guide

Our first assignment in the  ETEC 531:  Cultural and New Media Studies was to create a media study guide based on a television series, game series or a theater show. Since we are all fans of the show, my group selected The Mindy Project as our subject. We created the guide for students in grade 10.

All the media guides created by our class will be included in a section in a book created by ETEC531 peers. My group and I created the study guide using Lucidpress, which, as I’ve mentioned in a previous post, is an online publishing software.  If you would like to use the media study guide for your training, click on the image below to access it , or download the pdf file.

from: http://pub.lucidpress.com/4fcfdf86-dc41-4f66-931f-3a24f2f2708a/

from: http://pub.lucidpress.com/4fcfdf86-dc41-4f66-931f-3a24f2f2708a/