Tag Archives: web

Do You Remember Your Pre-Internet Brain?

“In the last few years I’ve been saying I miss my pre-Internet brain, and I think people know what I mean. And then lately I’ve been realizing I no longer even remember my pre-Internet brain. This technology has rewired my own brain, and I mean that in a genuine neurological sense, but it’s also rewired everyone else’s brain the same way.”

– Douglas Coupland

Image by parm27 (CC-BY)

Image by parm27 (CC-BY)

Douglas Coupland is not the only person to comment on the way the internet has impacted our thinking. Michael Wesch’s video, “Information R/evolution,” shows how digital information is different than written information. Consequently, the way we think of information is different as well.

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Need Colour? Use Firefox’s Eyedropper Tool

CC BY-SA Parm27

CC BY-SA Parm27

One of the most charming tools available in Photoshop is the eyedropper tool. It’s so handy to sample colours from images already open in Photoshop. For online, images or web site elements that I wanted to know the colour for, I just copied and saved the image, and then brought it into Photoshop to sample. Continue reading