Emoji Story


My emoji story shares the plot of a tv series I watched while at home during the pandemic. In my opinion the title of the show is very easy to guess which is why I started with the title. The title provides insight into the plot of the story which makes it easier to read. I don’t often watch tv or movies so for me this was a difficult task to consider the plot of the show. I actually had to search episode recaps to make sure I got the order of the story correct; it has been a few months since I watched it. While writing my emoji story I wanted to use emojis to represent words like for (④) however I found that it clouded the story and make it more difficult to understand. That is what lead me to using emoji for the main ideas. When searching for emojis I found there was either multiple options such as money or no options at all (such as an emoji to represent jail). This forced me to try and think outside the box to consider how to get the main idea across. I chose to use apple emoji’s because that is what I am more familiar with and I would be able to search for them with greater ease than other services. There could be other emoji’s out there that aren’t apple that may have made it easier.

I selected this show because some of the emoji’s used are not very common in tv shows which would make it easier on the reader, such as . Some challenges that I faced was with the main character. The main character has multiple names that are used interchangeably. This was a challenge because it may cause the reader confusion that I used and to represent the same person. In my mind, I understand, but you tell me, was this confusing in my story?

Finally, any opinions on…

13 Replies to “Emoji Story”

  1. Tiger King!

    I haven’t watched the series, but from the snippets I know from the news, I can kind of piece together the story. This is really interesting because someone who has watched the show would probably interpret the emojis within the context of the show.

  2. At first I guessed Lion King based on the title… Then as I read through your story it was clearly Tiger King! I quite enjoyed your emoji story because I felt you did a great job of utilizing symbolism. Also, you managed to use emojis as direct word translation such as “running for America”. These subtle hints were quite effective. Great job with the story!

    1. I find it interesting that Lion King had not crossed my mind! Probably because I have yet to see the most recent version of the film so I do not have it at the front of my mind. It’s funny how other ideas almost get blocked from your mind when you are so focused on something.

      1. Hi Katlyn,
        At first glance, I also thought it was Lion King, but there are no humans in the movie and saw that it is actually a tiger. I even watched this series on Netflix and the tiger emoji looks just like my daughters tiger figurine. I feel like the lady emoji followed by the flower is Carol Baskin, but what does the flower represent?
        Thanks, it was fun to interpret.

        1. Hi Shawn,
          In the show Carol Baskin often has a flower head piece on and on social media I have seen some people post their impressions for her with a flower head band. However it was very difficult to try and replicate with the emoji’s so I was hoping the girl with the flower would be a good hint. Glad you figured it out 🙂

  3. Hi Katlyn, I haven’t watched this show yet but I could immediately figure out it was Tiger King- good work on the emojis! 🙂

  4. Hahaha, Tiger King! Great job on the emojis. I haven’t watched the show but from your description, it looks like it is was exciting and I can see why people binge-watched it!

  5. Oh no! Not the Tiger King! I did guess before I saw it confirmed in the above posts. Beyond the title it is possible to see someone, a blonde (Carole Baskin) who would love to kill someone which confirms my suspicions. And the two guys marrying. I don’t remember anyone eating a tiger thought and that confused me. Is it the order of the words maybe? Did you find you were writing in ideas more or in sentences? I wonder if we need to create or petition for more emojis? I too found some just were not available.

    1. Hi Rebecca, the “sentence” about eating tigers is supposed to be the accusation that Carol Baskin killed her husband and feeding him to the tigers. haha good point about the misrepresentation being people eating tigers, I didn’t see it from that angle.

  6. Good old Tiger King – Great plot-explanation!! I like that you talked about all the different emojis options for the same word or lack thereof. I found the latter applied to my emoji story and in turn, I had to go with the main ideas too! As for your last question…she totally did it lol.

  7. I have been so curious about that show, but kinda felt silly to watch it. Maybe now I will and call it ‘research’ for ETEC 540 🙂 Thanks for sharing your story, Katlyn.

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