A great American football player, Vince Lombardi had once said;

“The achievements of an organization are the results of

the combined effort of each individual.”(1)

    I completely agree with this statement, I believe that every output depends on the input which is employed. In case of business, the success of a business solely depends on the efforts put in by its workforce. A business depends on a link between leaders, recruiters, employees and customers.Screen Shot 2015-11-16 at 11.10.42 pm

A leader selects the recruiters, which in turn recruit the employees to serve the customers. If the selection process in every part of the link is great, then the business has higher chances of being successful. A good recruiter will recruit good employees and good employees will in turn keep the customers happy.

In our COMM 101 lecture we were taught about a company ‘Zappos’ which focuses greatly on keeping its employees happy and engaged into the business. Zappos has been recognised by Fortune as one of the 100 Best Companies to Work For, it also provides plenty number of services to its employees, with an aim to keep them happy so that they keep their customers happy.

The employees of a business need to be in direct contact with the customers, therefore the business’ success depends on them. According to me if the link of leaders, recruiters, employees and customers is completed with full potential then the outcome is likely to be more positive for the business.

(1) www.vincelombardi.com