As some of you in one of my classes might have noticed, I have been sick the last week and a half with a nasty little bug that the doctor called viral pneumonia. The illness hasn’t been particularly fun, but the good news is that it inspired me about what my next blog post should be. From an article in Canadian Business, I learned that there was an expensive drug called “biologic” which two companies wanted to ban other companies from selling for the reason of “protecting the consumer”. To me, what the two companies are trying to do is completely wrong and horrible for business in the long run. By trying to ban other companies, they are in effect making a monopoly on the product which would allow them to control the prices however they please. In turn, people who potentially need the medicine would not be able to afford it due to the high profits and could potentially die, which would be completely immoral and go against business ethics. Also, without any competition, the companies would stagnate creatively and there would most likely be no future breakthrough for that medicine. In the interest of human lives and the market the two companies should back off from their bills.

The Business Bug
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