Another triumph for Fifa’s chillingly efficient rights protection team

Recently, I have finished Case 3 that was about ‘Ambush Marketing’, and decided to do extra research to look into other companies that does Ambush Marketing. I have found out that during the 2010 World Cup match between Holland and Denmark. The Dutch brewery company “Bavaria” had done ambush marketing where 36 women wearing orange dresses from the beer brand Bavaria, where Budweiser was actually the official sponsor. FIFA has made more than 30% revenue from official sponsor; hence they are very concern and upset with ambush marketing.

I believe that it is very immoral to do Ambush marketing, as an unofficial sponsor firm is trying to steal the advertisement rights of the official sponsorship. It is unethical as no money had to be paid by company using Ambush marketing, however millions of dollars had to be paid by official sponsorship. If compared it can be like a company with no input takes audience from another, where another puts loads of effort into it. Ambush marketing can make audience believe that the firm doing ambush is associated with the event. This can be very misleading and I believe is very unfair.

About phirapatchpalalikit

I'm currently a 4-year Commerce student, majoring in marketing at the Sauder school of Business.
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