Corporate Social Responsibility

Before going to the lesson about corporate social responsibility, I was not aware of how corporate social responsibility has effect on many business and how it had come to practice. What I have learnt through the presentation in class was how it had help to create a better image for the firm, and influence how the society and the consumer perceive that brand. After class, I began to look closer into this issue and looked through a few company, and found out that many big company now has Corporate Social Responsibility.

From what I have learnt in class was the Corporate Social Responsibility means achieving economic growth with social and environmental limits. I have looked into “Starbucks” and found out that Starbucks had many campaign relating to this, they are trying to reduce, re-use, and recycle as well as helping out the less fortunate society, for example give a certain amount from each cup of coffee purchase to the society where money is needed. Starbucks is also engaged in “Fair Trade” where more money is given to the farmers(producers) to ensure that they have a better standard of living .

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BMW car recall being resolved ‘quickly’ executive says

In this article it talks about BMW cars including Rolls-Royce model between year 2001-2009 had to be recalled due to fault with power braking system. From what I’ve learnt in class is that for a business to run successfully marketing is a very important component. Marketing includes many components but in this article it explicitly focuses on the image of the brand after more than hundred thousands of car had to be recall.

We have learn that one of the important components in marketing is branding. BMW cars had set its brand as a premium brand. As a result of the recall, it had a direct affect on the branding of BMW, this had let to a falls in share by 4.2%. This shows that there is a direct correlation between the branding and the demand for share of BMW. Perception is very important in business, as it can mark whether the brand is successful or not. This also link to the fact that because of the recall the perception that individual may have on the company may be negative, and possibly help the rival of BMW like Mercedes to be more competitive and gain more market share.

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Saudi Arabia announces Blackberry messenger deadline

The article talks about United Arab Emirates planning to ban the Blackberry Messenger as they claim issues relating to security concerns. In the world today, technology plays a big role in business. It helps us to connect to other and interact with them.  As we have learned that technology plays a major role in business today, it allows us to advertise product through various online sites. Where goods can be purchased online as well, due to the increase in internet users, at the same time there is a rise in smart phones users, a phone where various functions can be performed.

One of the popular smart phones is the Blackberry. It is able to browse through internet, use social media and viewing emails at the same time. These components will enhance the business, for example communication between sections, receiving quick emails while outside office. In Saudi Arabia, the banned of Blackberry Messenger (BBM), will affect business as BBM is one of the mean that is used to communicate between people in organization. From my opinion, technology does help us to conduct business operational much easier as things can be done virtually and hence less time consuming.

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Small-business owners might need outside help with tech

In the business world, as firms are expanding, they might need new technological tools. To protect relevant information to be erased or fall into the wrong hands, in addition expanding business would have to face with an increasing transactions, dealing with the inflows and outflows of money. Also there will be greater data that business would have to handle. Thus, it is essential for a business to have a person who does management of information system.

Nowadays most business are handling MIS themselves, however I believe that as they are expanding it is necessary to get a professional MIS to take on duties such as upgrading software, oversees hacker, updating webpage and much more. In almost all business technology plays a crucial role in areas such as accounting, communication between departments, sales, services and human resources for example. Not only does IT keep us connected to firm, but it will also help us get connect the community including clients. In my perspective, if incorporated into the business, not only does it helps to make the product more successful, but it will also help the brand to become more well-known.

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Nissan launches first Thai-promoted “eco-car”

The article it talks about “Nissan” introducing it’s first Thai promoted eco-car that is supported by the government. The articles said that Nissan is entering the low-cost compact car segment. I believe that this is a strategy in order to increase its overall car sells in the long run. For the short-run its tactic was to go into this car segment and expand its sale in this segment as it is still growing. Also the Thai government tax break incentives.

Using some of Porter’s 5 forces components. There’re high barriers to entry to this industry as the cost for manufacturing car is high, however Nissan already possess a car plant therefore, it is not that difficult to produce another car model, however there will be variable costs. Due to government policy that supports, it helps to reduce barriers to entry. The rivalry in this industry is quite low as there are high fixed costs, few numbers of firms due to high running cost, and high exit barriers as the firm asset is hard to sell once it leaves the industry. Thus, I believe that it is likely to be successful by launching this product.

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Wall Street’s Economic Crimes Against Humanity:

The article talks about how during the financiers, brokers, and bankers are responsible for the sub prime in the United States, where loans where given to risky borrower. This had led to the collapse in the housing industry, and consequently contribute to the downturn of the US economy.

From my perspective, I believe that these loans should not be given out to risky borrowers as there is a high chance of getting default loans. What the financiers did was they approve these loans to risky borrower such as unstable, low, and unemployed income earners. The ethical issue here is that, the financier is not looking for the benefit of the society, where they might look at the big picture of what can possibly occur to the economy if the borrowers are not being able to pay back. But all they care about is getting money from transactions. As shown in the article:“The financiers at AIG were awarded millions in bonuses because their contracts were based on the transactions they completed, not the consequences of those transactions.” (line 1-4) Clearly, it would be appropriate if more regulation would have been made for the banking industry.

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