Juniperus communis (N)

Scientific name: Juniperus communis (N)

Common name: common juniper

Family name: Cupressaceae

Useful cultivars and selections:

USDA hardiness zone: 2

Mature height and spread: 5-10feet tall, 8-12feet wide

Form: upright, rounded

Water use: moderate

Soil requirements: well drained, acidic

Leaf arrangement: needle-like.

Fall colour: none

Flower/cone/fruit description: yellow staminate flowers. 3-seeded cone.

Limitations: damaged by wet snow, doesn’t do well in Vancouver. Hard to handle because sharp

Suitable uses: hedges, mass plantings. Adaptable.

Quick ID: conifer.Tree. Evergreen. Asia. Branches point upwards. Needles in clusters of 3 and are pointed. Needles at wide angle from stem. Very pointy, sharp needles (Unique). Cones look like berries.

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