Picea breweriana

Scientific name: Picea breweriana

Common name: Brewer’s weeping spruce

Family name: Pinaceae

Useful cultivars and selections:

USDA hardiness zone: 6

Mature height and spread: 20-40m tall, 3-5m wide.

Form: Pendulous, tall and narrow

Water use: moderate

Soil requirements: well-drained

Leaf arrangement: needle-like, spiral

Fall colour: none

Flower/cone/fruit description: cones are cylindrical (hang down) and long; purple when immature, brown when mature.

Limitations: hard to find in nursery

Suitable uses: pest fee

Quick ID: Evergreen. Conifer. Tree. North America. Longer cones than other spruces. Branches have vertical pendulous branches hanging off of them (unique). 4-sided needle, spirally arranged. Each needle is on a woody part. Two white lines underneath. Blunt tipped. Not flexible needles.

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