Reflection on Unit 1 Lessons


Upon completing Unit 1 Lessons, I feel like I learned the most during the definition writing and peer review process. Only through the review, I noticed that there are instructions that I have missed, namely about indicating the situation where definition in question would be explained to the target audience. In addition, the suggestion of incorporating visuals into the definition makes the writing more intelligent and comprehensive. The recommendation to use additional visual and research has given me the hint to obtain different type of visual to not only entice the readers but also to have something that might imprint in their minds afterwards. Also in the process of providing peer review, I am finding that it takes extra effort to clearly define a technical term to non-revelant person as there are complications of bring in more technical terms in order to define another. Even if you intend to clearly explain in layman’s term, it could still be unclear to ones who has zero to non exposure in the subject matter.

Link to revised definition:

What is Deferred Revenue Definition – Revised

Link to peer review:

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