QMS Workshop:  An Introduction to Decision Tree

Time: 11am-noon Thurs, Mar 19, 2020
Location: Scarfe library block Room 278
Speakers: Minjeong Park & Xuejun Ryan Ji, PhD Candidates in MERM program
RSVP: https://bit.ly/33914aQ

Decision tree is one of the popular methods in data mining and it also has been used in educational research. In this workshop, a gentle introduction to decision tree will be given, and followed by a hands-on practice with a real data set.

Enhancing Measurement Efficiency with Computerized Adaptive Testing

Time: 11 am -12:15 pm, Jan 24, 2020 (Friday)
Location: Scarfe Room 2415
Invited Speaker: Dr. Ching-Lin Shih (Professor, Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan)
RSVP: https://bit.ly/2QGux7H

Abstract: Dr. Ching-Lin Shih will discuss the fundamental concepts of computerized adaptive testing (CAT) and why it can enhance measurement efficiency. Then he will use a real example to demonstrate how to apply CAT for assessing physical function of patients of stroke in Taiwan. Here is a reference paper for this talk, https://bit.ly/35JKAFU.

Applied Quantitative Methods in Mental Health Research

Time: 11 am -12 pm, Nov 20, 2019 (Wednesday)
Location: Scarfe Room 2415
Moderator: Guanyu Chen (PhD student in MERM)
Preseners: Xuyan Tang (M.A. student in MERM) & Ben Hives (Ph.D. student in Kinesiology)

A Translation and Validation Study of the Hubley Depression Scale for Older Adults (HDS-OA) in the General Adult Population in China
By Xuyan Tang
Abstract: The validation study is to evaluate the psychometric properties of a Chinese translated version of depression scale.The purpose of this research is to obtain a better screen of depression that might increase the accuracy of diagnosis and allow for more timely intervention for Chinese people with depression.

The Multidisciplinary Correlates of Chronic Stress in Canadians
By Ben Hives
Abstract: The secondary data analysis by Ben analyzed data from the 2012 Canadian Community Health Survey – Mental Health.This study uses two approaches to test the associations between multiple factors and chronic stress including traditional statistics and machine learning algorithms.

Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL) Workshop: Data Querying and Management

Time: 11:00 am -12:30 pm, Oct 16, 2019 (Wednesday)
Location: Scarfe Room 2415
Preseners: Shunfu Hu and Xuejun Ryan Ji, MERM PhD students
Abstract: SQL is a widely used language for storing, retrieving and updating data tables in relational database. With declarative and straightforward commands, SQL enables users to easily maintain the integrity of databases. This workshop will demonstrate how to create and manipulate database using basic SQL commands via SQL software and how to perform SQL queries with R.

Please register the event via https://forms.gle/WaEHJEGcoPwXgJwRA

Deep Learning: Why You Should be Excited

Time: 12:15-1:15pm, September 18, 2019 (Wednesday)
Location: Scarfe Office Block Room 2415
Moderator: Yan Liu (Assistant Professor, MERM, Faculty of Education)
Speaker: Muhammad M. Abdul-Mageed (Assistant Professor, Linguistics & School of Information (Joint), Computer Science, UBC; https://mageed.arts.ubc.ca/)

Abstract: Deep learning is a class of machine learning methods inspired by information processing in the human brain. Deep learning has recently broken records on multiple tasks such as machine translation and speech recognition. The purpose of this talk is to provide a high-level overview of deep learning methods, provide sample applications, and offer guidance to people interested in carrying out research, or starting a career, involving deep learning.