Pride UBC presents:
A panel on being queer and/or trans in the academy
Have you ever wondered what it is like to be an openly queer (LGBTQ) person working in the academy?
How queer-friendly are universities as a workspace?
How different is it to be out across departments and over time?
How do you negotiate heteronormativity in the classroom or research lab?
How different is it to be out across departments and over time?
How do you negotiate heteronormativity in the classroom or research lab?
Whether you are planning on having an academic career or not, we invite you to come hear about the experiencesof openly “out” professors and post-docs from all over UBC campus (including: Sociology, Psychology, Law, Zoology, Asian Studies, and Computer Science). There will be plenty of time for discussion, so that you can have all your questions answered.
Join us on MARCH 23, 4:30-6 in BUCH B318.
Free refreshments and delicious snacks provided.