Queer U 2015: Sowing Seeds & Growing Roots PROPOSAL EXTENSION – January 2, 2015
We are also pleased to announce our two featured keynote speakers for 2015 as well!
This year, the theme is “Sowing Seeds and Setting Roots”. We are focusing on being able to give everyone who participates something to take away at the end of they day, so that they can develop their own thoughts and build on it in ways that are relevant to their lives. Whether this is a list of useful resources or literal tools to use to start discussions, our aim is to give everyone the foundation to work off of the histories we often forego and forget, and the confidence to make the changes they want to see happen in the world. Please try to work this into your presentation, but any and all submissions will be considered.
This call for papers is open to graduate contributors and established scholars from any department or area of research that relates to sexuality and gender. Strong undergraduate submissions are also accepted. Workshop Proposals related to community are welcome as well. All topics are welcome; however Queer U is especially seeking submissions dealing with the following topics:-Queer/Trans* Diasporas
-Temporalities of Queer/Trans* Spaces
-Innovative looks at the Relationship Between Community and Identity
-Relationships Between Community and Wellness
-Anti-racist, Indigenous, and/or intersectional feminist approaches are encouraged!
-Intersections of Queer/Trans* Communities with Systems of Power
if interested, send in a short (300 word or less) abstract outlining the paper, presentation, and/or workshop to prideubc@gmail.com
The Queer U Conference is open to the general public. It will take place on Saturday, February 7th from 11am to 5pm and immediately be followed by a wine and cheese reception.
Dr. Catriona Sandilands is at the forefront of the movement to build environmentally sustainable cultures, and culturally sophisticated understandings of sustainability, based on the values of democracy, justice, equity, and diversity. This movement requires an examination of human relationships with landscapes at the community level.
An authority on ecological feminism, Dr. Sandilands is the author of The Good-Natured Feminist (University of Minnesota Press, 1999), the first book-length treatment of ecofeminism as a body of democratic theory. She is also a pioneer in examining the links between sexuality and environmental studies in the new interdisciplinary field of queer ecology.
As the Canada Research Chair in Sustainability and Culture, Dr. Sandilands is focused on developing and promoting the integration of cultural and environmental studies as the next crucial step in ensuring a sustainable future for Canadians. She is building an awareness of sustainability from the ground up by writing about environment and culture at the community level. Her work will lead to the development of the first international research network in environmental cultural studies.
Vin Nardizzi
Vin Nardizzi teaches Renaissance literature, ecotheory, and queer and disability studies. His book, Wooden Os: Shakespeare’s Theatres and England’s Trees (University of Toronto Press, 2013), brings into view the forest and the trees of Renaissance drama: it explores the surprising connections among Shakespeare’s theatre, drama set “in the woods,” and an environmental crisis that propagandists claimed would lead to an eco-political collapse – an unprecedented scarcity of wood and timber. The Society for Theatre Research short-listed it for the 2013 Theatre Book Prize. His next project, Vaster Than Empires: The Lives of Early Modern Vegetables, investigates the surprising array of vegetable capacities, deprivations, desires, essences, and materialities that shaped ideas of humanness in Renaissance letters and the visual arts. In 2014-15, he will be in residence at the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies at UBC, which has granted him a Wall Scholars Award to conduct preliminary research on this project.With Stephen Guy-Bray and Will Stockton, he has edited Queer Renaissance Historiography: Backward Gaze (Ashgate, 2009), and with Jean E. Feerick has co-edited The Indistinct Human in Renaissance Literature (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012). With colleagues at UBC and Simon Fraser University, he currently co-convenes “Oecologies: Inhabiting Premodern Worlds.”He received a Killam Teaching Prize in 2011.