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Monthly Archives: October 2012

When searching for a business blog, I found The Business Blog and a post about investing in the online world. With the widespread usage of the internet, it is not surprising to find businesses and firms emerging onto the web. With this strategy, these companies are able to expand and create a larger market, hence reaching more customers. Financial service providers are increasingly making online investing possible. However, as we know, online crimes like hacking, and frauds also come hand in hand with the internet. Personally, online investments would not be much different from online banking , to keep in mind that more and more people are now enjoying the flexibility and security of online banking. What stands out, not to mention the greatest challenge with online investing would be the process of finding a reputable and safe firm that would be able to satisfy the investor. There are a wide variety of options, and it takes research or advising to find out which one is right for you. In my opinion, once this process is finished, the benefits of online investment would come into place. The flexibility of checking up on your investments online saves time and can keep you more updated, helping you control your investments easily. For investment firms however, it is a win-win situation because their timeliness with the investments allows them to save cots for investment services. Instead, they are able to update investors using the internet.

Find Out More Here!

Stumbling upon Andrea Banzon’s Blog, I came across a post about Frozen Yogurt and to my surprise, it is one of my favourite treats so I just had to re-post about it. The post mentions Qoola, a local based frozen yogurt company that has started small but has been rising in popularity in the recent years. Their expansion into Burnaby and Richmond as well as the Philippines have caught consumers attention all over (Qoola, 2012). Why? Because of how healthy it is compared to it’s alternatives like ice cream or other fattening desserts (Banzon 2012). I find this is a smart move by Qoola because of their brand positioning and how they have settled into their own niche of healthy products. Not only have they identified their products as nutritious, their competitive advantage of customization with additional toppings makes them unique and stand out from other frozen yogurt sellers in the local neighbourhood. You may wonder how I know so much about the company, and it is because I had a friend that has worked at Qoola and with freebies of yogurt given to me, I had got sucked into the frozen yogurt trend. I found their subtle techniques highly effective which evidently had me bringing my loved ones to Qoola frequently to enjoy their tasty wholesome delights.


Reading on Andrew Huang’s Blog, I came across an interesting post regarding the value of gold over the century and the impact it has on the economy of a nation. Gold has always been a symbol of wealth and luxury and its increasing popularity and price have made the emphasis to that symbol even greater. I was quite astonished to find out that the price of Gold was only $100 an ounce in the 1970s (Huang, 2012) and that the price of it had risen 30 times greater to the value of $3000 an ounce in the present day (Huang, 2012). Like Andrew, the lecture on the Time Value of Money had immediately refreshed itself in my mind. The ever constant rise in price of gold would mean that purchasing amounts of it would be a good investment for the future if you were to resell it because buyers just melt the gold and reuse it anyways. One question I wonder about this post is how the prices of gold fluctuate and rise. Linking to economics, I feel it is definitely about the supply and the demand of gold. Since gold is relatively inelastic and has few alternatives, I believe that this is a factor in the ever rising price of it.

Andrew’s Post on Gold Here!

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