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My fellow class mate Aron has recently just blogged about the the competition between Microsoft and Sony with regards to their upcoming next generation gaming consoles. The XBOX One and the Playstation 4 have definitely become heated competitors in the competitive marketing of gaming when it comes to performance, but this competition has been going on since the release of the XBOX and Playstation 3.

In a marketing perspective, I agree with what Aron has said about how Microsoft has focused more on the things that their product is not able to do, and that Sony has capitalized on the mistakes that Microsoft has made, and have focused on the things that their product is capable of doing. This is also a really interesting trend because we’ve seen throughout the years that usually, the information and press releases on the XBOX have come out first, and Sony has followed up shortly after. This may be a strategy that Sony uses to see what their competitor is lacking, and to capitalize strongly on those points to make the faults stand out even more. It would make it even harder for Microsoft to bounce back after Sony uses a strategy like this.

Personally, I prefer using the Playstation because I enjoy more of the games that are exclusive to the console, but I believe that Sony’s marketing has definitely played a part in helping me make that decision. For example, I was really concerned when choosing between an XBOX and PS3, that the XBOX would get a “red ring of death” even though many of my friends had XBOX’s at the time. Microsoft has never really made an effort to address that concern and that is why I went with the choice on buying a Playstation 3.

Aron’s Post Here!

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