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Monthly Archives: November 2013

The final marketing assignment in where we had to construct a video was a very interesting approach to marketing because I thought that it allowed the group to “market” themselves in a sense through a video. I say marketing themselves is interesting because we will be going through a peer review and it is advantageous to stand out from the norm.

Some things that went well when doing the project was that we were able to get a hold of proper equipment such as an audio recorder, a tripod, and a high definition camera. This made our project seem more professional when it came out as a final product. We were also able to find several locations where we thought would be very interesting places to shoot. We tried to stay away from Sauder class rooms because we felt that it would be too generic when viewed.

Some of the things that could have been improved on if I was able to go back in time would be to get a hold of an audio recorder earlier because the sound quality from a proper audio recorder is much better than straight from the camera, as we weren’t able to use the audio recorder in every single clip. It also removes all the background clutter that comes when you are using a regular camera to film. Another thing I would do differently would probably be make smoother transitions between clips with appropriate titles and captions, although we did do that, there were some aspects that we were certainly lacking.

Overall, I feel like we put the right amount of effort into completing this video and I’m interested to see how the results come out to be.

My fellow class mate Aron has recently just blogged about the the competition between Microsoft and Sony with regards to their upcoming next generation gaming consoles. The XBOX One and the Playstation 4 have definitely become heated competitors in the competitive marketing of gaming when it comes to performance, but this competition has been going on since the release of the XBOX and Playstation 3.

In a marketing perspective, I agree with what Aron has said about how Microsoft has focused more on the things that their product is not able to do, and that Sony has capitalized on the mistakes that Microsoft has made, and have focused on the things that their product is capable of doing. This is also a really interesting trend because we’ve seen throughout the years that usually, the information and press releases on the XBOX have come out first, and Sony has followed up shortly after. This may be a strategy that Sony uses to see what their competitor is lacking, and to capitalize strongly on those points to make the faults stand out even more. It would make it even harder for Microsoft to bounce back after Sony uses a strategy like this.

Personally, I prefer using the Playstation because I enjoy more of the games that are exclusive to the console, but I believe that Sony’s marketing has definitely played a part in helping me make that decision. For example, I was really concerned when choosing between an XBOX and PS3, that the XBOX would get a “red ring of death” even though many of my friends had XBOX’s at the time. Microsoft has never really made an effort to address that concern and that is why I went with the choice on buying a Playstation 3.

Aron’s Post Here!

Drake has been an ever growing popular artist in the modern day, and that trend doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. The Toronto-born rapper feels a strong connection to his hometown team, the Toronto Raptors, the city’s basketball team. Therefore, he accepted the offer of being the global ambassador for the franchise that has been struggling over the years. Being the only team in Canada, it is hard for the Raptors to stay competitive with all the other American teams in the NBA. They lack a strong presence in the market, because in the end, professional sports is still a business. Ever since their star player, Vince Carter, was traded, the presence of the Raptors has never really been the same. The view on Canadian NBA teams is that we’re not as strong and not as heavily funded. By utilizing Drake’s massive presence, Toronto wants to be able to rebrand what the Raptors truly are, and want fans of other teams to fear playing the Raptors.

I believe that having Drake as a global ambassador would definitely be an asset in Toronto’s efforts in rebranding their line strongly due to the fact of Drake’s roots stemming from Toronto, and how he mentioned that the Raptors were a staple part of his childhood. Drake’s overall positive image as a rapper will definitely help direct the Raptors to a place in the NBA market with more respect from the different teams and their fans.

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