We have learned a lot about business plans in class and the importance of having one to strategically and thoroughly plan out each and every step to take on an entrepreneurial venture. This method is more secure and will definitely allow you to account for things that you wouldn’t have thought about if you acted too impulsively. However, I stumbled on this article on why getting a product ready, firing it into the market and then plan afterwards, could potentially be better in some ways than traditionally method. The article emphasizes that the market is so unpredictable and even if we feel that we can predict trends, we will never completely understand what will happen. With this being said, it may be crucial, especially in the technology market, to first place the product and adjust from there. Besides, an entrepreneur could also suffer from what’s stated in the article as analysis paralysis where he or she is prepared but stuck on aiming to a point where they will never execute their venture. In my opinion, this is a really subjective topic and the decision should be made based on the urgency of the product or service to its demand in the market. If the product needs to be placed in the market quickly, then the Ready, Fire and Aim approach seems more viable, however if the urgency is not present, a standard Ready, Aim and Fire, seems more logical.
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