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After having a class on entrepreneurship, guest speaker Amielle Lake’s company Tagga seemed very interesting because it was something that was more related to the current advancement in technology. This company seemed to tie in with the things learned in the MIS and BTM class where the company is attempting to implement mobile marketing as a new form of technology due to the uprise in the smartphone industry. I found that Lake entered the market at a good time because the opportunities were bountiful because smartphones were just being introduced in 2008. Although the competition is fierce in this market, Tagga has been able to snag some big names such as Adidas, Lindt chocolate and Redbull which has made me feel like the company is on a successful route. On another note, I thought that it was really motivating to listen to the founder speak for the company herself and show the hardships that can come along in starting up a business. I was surprised to hear that she had stepped down from the CEO position to move to the CRO position, this made me realize that she wanted the better of the company as opposed to a better title for herself. The drive to sustain her dream company has inspired even more to pursue an entrepreneurial path in the future.

Read More On An Interview with Amielle Here!

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