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After the class on Corporate Social Responsibility, I realized that a companies productivity could potentially be decreased if they implemented sustainable practices. Companies could either be really efficient, but damage the environment, or they could be really sustainable, but slightly lack productivity when compared to less sustainable companies. Upon looking at more news articles however, I found that MGM Resorts International Properties was awarded the Highest Green Keys Meetings rating. Awarded by Green Key Global, this designation shows the highest form of sustainability displayed by MGM’s four resorts. With exceptional methods, these designated MGM resorts have state of the art technology that make the company more sustainable. This method has even been stated to improve the productivity of the company as opposed to popular belief of how it could affect the quality MGM brings. The world seems to be on a transition into more sustainable management of a company and care not only about the productivity and revenues of the company, but the betterment of the world. With technological improvements coming at a high rate, companies are gaining new inventions to help their company not only become more cost efficient, but also reduce the effects of their carbon footprint all together.

Read More About It Here!

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